League Profile |
Mixed 18+ Pacific NW X 6.0 |
2014 Mixed 18 & Over (6.0 Mixed) |
Find League |
21 team(s) found.
Team Name | Players | Court Rating |
PASTE/St.John's-Parkhurst | 10 | ----- |
SHC-Roberts | 19 | ----- |
MV-Harlan/Less | 19 | ----- |
MPRC-Smith/Kennedy | 12 | ----- |
CGM-Babi | 14 | ----- |
CAC-Wheeler | 12 | ----- |
MAC-Buchholtz | 14 | ----- |
CAC-Guzzi/Shepherd | 10 | ----- |
THPRD-Zimmermann | 17 | ----- |
MAC-Leedy/Vondeling | 14 | ----- |
PASTE/St.John's-Regan | 12 | ----- |
SAC-Sankhagowit | 13 | ----- |
IRV-Townsend | 12 | ----- |
PTC-McTague/Fitzgerald | 13 | ----- |
WHRC-Fjeldsted | 11 | ----- |
IRV-Mathewson/Selis | 13 | ----- |
SHC-Freeman | 16 | ----- |
PASTE/St.John's-Oullette/Mori | 11 | ----- |
THPRD-Coussens | 11 | ----- |
VTC-Gunari | 11 | ----- |
PASTE/St.John's-DeLeon | 9 | ----- |
Glossary |
Court Rating | Average rating of each individual court played by a team. |
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