League Profile |
Combo Southern F 7.5 |
2015 Piedmont Combo Doubles 18 & Over (7.5 18 & Over Women) |
Find League |
22 team(s) found.
Team Name | Players | Court Rating |
Norton GB | 14 | ----- |
NHILBURN | 15 | ----- |
Satterfield -Bonnie's Babes | 15 | ----- |
PMDE Dean | 15 | ----- |
Team Roth | 15 | ----- |
Pierce | 15 | ----- |
Carlin | 14 | ----- |
McFarlin | 10 | ----- |
Rosendale/Smith | 13 | ----- |
Rightsell/Pretzsch | 14 | ----- |
JOSEPH | 13 | ----- |
Pekarne | 15 | ----- |
McKenna | 12 | ----- |
PKPA Pace | 14 | ----- |
Frank | 12 | ----- |
Renn | 12 | ----- |
Womack - QOTC | 15 | ----- |
Ad Albright | 15 | ----- |
Andree | 14 | ----- |
Westrick | 13 | ----- |
Dagger | 15 | ----- |
Dudley/Minehart | 14 | ----- |
Glossary |
Court Rating | Average rating of each individual court played by a team. |
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