League Profile
Adult 65+ No California M 8.0
2020 COVID-19 Suspended ADULT 65&Over (Men 8.0)
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20 team(s) found.
Team Name Players Top 6
IN-SHAPE: RANCHO SOLANO 65AM8.0A 16 3.91 3.68 3.75
SUN CITY LINCOLN 65AM8.0A 13 3.80 3.80 3.75
FREMONT TC 65AM8.0A 15 3.86 3.72 3.74
MT TAM RC 65AM8.0A 15 3.71 3.59 3.73
CARMEL VAC 65AM8.0A 10 3.82 3.82 3.72
KONA KAI SR 65AM8.0A 15 3.95 3.77 3.71
SIERRA SPORT 65AM8.0A 10 3.92 3.73 3.69
GOLD RIVER RC 65AM8.0A 14 3.77 3.68 3.68
ROLLING HILLS 65AM8.0A 11 3.68 3.63 3.66
PENINSULA TC 65AM8.0A 14 3.77 3.64 3.65
BERKELEY TC 65AM8.0A 14 3.72 3.72 3.64
LA CANTERA RC 65AM8.0A 11 3.45 3.45 3.61
SUNNYVALE TC/SUNNYVALE MTC 65AM8.0A 17 3.80 3.58 3.58
ROEDING PK 65AM8.0A 7 3.61 3.61 3.54
SEASCAPE SC 65AM8.0A 13 3.51 3.51 3.52
WALNUT CREEK RC/WALNUT CREEK 65AM8.0A 11 3.58 3.49 3.51
LAKERIDGE TC 65AM8.0A 8 3.68 3.66 -----
DAVIS TC/DAVIS HS 65AM8.0A 4 3.38 3.38 -----
CHAMISAL TC 65AM8.0A 11 3.33 3.33 -----
RENO TENNIS CLUB/WASHOE TCX 65AM8.0A 10 3.30 3.30 -----
Top Rating Average combined rating of top rated players on a team.
Team Rating Overall average team rating of all players combined.
Court Rating Average rating of each individual court played by a team.
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