League Profile |
Tri-Level 18+ Middle States M 4.5 |
2014 Central Penn Tri-Level League (Mens Tri Level League) |
Find League |
12 team(s) found.
Team Name | Players | Court Rating |
Hempfield - Thoman | 11 | ----- |
RCW Lanc - Cook | 17 | ----- |
Wisehaven - Myers | 12 | ----- |
Camp Hill - Heinzelmann | 17 | ----- |
Tennis Club - Wissinger | 16 | ----- |
West Shore - Gouse | 12 | ----- |
Hershey - Harnden | 18 | ----- |
RCW Lanc - Dimitris | 13 | ----- |
Wisehaven - Calaman | 16 | ----- |
Hempfield - Sumar | 12 | ----- |
RCW Lanc - Carson | 13 | ----- |
Lanc CC - Birkett | 10 | ----- |
Glossary |
Court Rating | Average rating of each individual court played by a team. |
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