League Profile |
Combo Midwest F 7.5 |
2023 NEOTA Combo Fall (NEOTA 7.5 Combo W Fall) |
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16 team(s) found.
Team Name | Players | Court Rating |
C 7.5W NR1 Bartram | 15 | 3.54 |
C 7.5W CC Horgan | 20 | 3.54 |
C 7.5W MV2 O'Shaughnessy | 23 | 3.51 |
C 7.5W MM Todaro | 17 | 3.51 |
C 7.5W SP Kirchner | 19 | 3.51 |
OH NEO C 7.5W Lightner | 14 | 3.48 |
C 7.5W WR Roberts | 21 | 3.46 |
C 7.5W GR Johnson | 16 | 3.45 |
C 7.5W MV1 Aranavage | 20 | 3.43 |
C 7.5W AVB Kerosky | 19 | 3.43 |
C 7.5W PW1 Atkinson | 20 | 3.42 |
C 7.5W NR2 Wissman | 21 | 3.41 |
C 7.5W WE Nelson | 17 | 3.40 |
C 7.5W TP Schaffner | 19 | 3.39 |
C 7.5W PW2 Cicero | 16 | 3.30 |
C 7.5W PW3 DeWerth | 18 | 3.28 |
Glossary |
Court Rating | Average rating of each individual court played by a team. |
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