League Profile
Adult 18+ New England F 3.5
2016 SCT Adult 18 & Over Women (1/13)
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13 team(s) found.
Team Name Players Top 8
SHIP Glam Slams McGinnis 25 3.57 3.37 3.37
CP Jr Beaches of New England Juman 20 3.50 3.28 3.33
OGTA Tennis Addicts Zabik 19 3.45 3.33 3.32
CP Topspinners das Neves 29 3.53 3.32 3.30
INT High Intensity McCartin 18 3.45 3.25 3.23
WRC Aces Wild Archer 19 3.34 3.18 3.20
CP Game On Sullivan 23 3.36 3.18 3.18
4S Smash Hits Parke 28 3.40 3.22 3.18
WRC Fear Factor Crystal 22 3.34 3.12 3.14
INT Groundbreakers Lundy 23 3.35 3.10 3.13
NC Slammers Havens 18 3.27 3.07 3.11
4S Wilton Tiebreakers Gregor 26 3.31 3.06 3.07
OGTA Synergy Rothe 25 3.26 3.00 3.03
Top Rating Average combined rating of top rated players on a team.
Team Rating Overall average team rating of all players combined.
Court Rating Average rating of each individual court played by a team.
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