Match History (2017) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Wendy Moreno (Highland, CA)
Female |
3.5 C 12/31/2019 |
Estimated Dynamic Rating |
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Projected Year End Rating |
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3.5 Rating Meter
3.0001 - 3.5000
3.0001 - 3.5000
2017 Adult 55+ Season |
League/Level | Total Matches |
Win | Loss | Tie | WPct | Total Sets |
Win | Loss | WPct | Total Games |
Win | Loss | WPct | Defaults |
Adult 55+ 7.0 | 10 | 8 | 2 | 0 | 80.0 | 22 | 17 | 5 | 77.3 | 174 | 110 | 64 | 63.2 | 0 |
Total | 10 | 8 | 2 | 0 | 80.0 | 22 | 17 | 5 | 77.3 | 174 | 110 | 64 | 63.2 | 0 |
08/27/2017 | D2 | Adult 55+ 7.0 Districts |
IE-LLWSAP-AndulkaParkTC-Annette Flores So California |
W | SDNC-S2 7.0 RPTC/ Benito So California |
Annette Flores (3.16) | 6-4 6-4 |
Nancy Minerva (3.25) Vicky Young (3.27) |
Match: 3.56 | Rating: 3.51 |
08/27/2017 | D2 | Adult 55+ 7.0 Districts |
IE-LLWSAP-AndulkaParkTC-Annette Flores So California |
W | SDNC2 WC 7.0 RBCTC/ Shaw So California |
Annette Flores (3.10) | 6-4 6-3 |
Patti Groves (3.59) Patricia Langpap (3.34) |
Match: 3.79 | Rating: 3.55 |
06/10/2017 | D3 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
IE-LLWSAP-AndulkaParkTC-Annette Flores So California |
W | IE-SunLakesCC-Michele Walter So California |
Annette Flores (3.12) | 6-2 6-0 |
Teri Comerford (2.54) Lori Hazelton (3.01) |
Match: 3.57 | Rating: 3.53 |
06/03/2017 | D1 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
IE-LLWSAP-AndulkaParkTC-Annette Flores So California |
W | IE-CCCC-Sesilie Kay So California |
Annette Flores (3.09) | 6-3 6-2 |
Beth Kollmyer (3.23) Sesilie Kay (3.01) |
Match: 3.59 | Rating: 3.53 |
05/21/2017 | D2 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
IE-LLWSAP-AndulkaParkTC-Annette Flores So California |
W | IE-CCCC-Sesilie Kay So California |
Annette Flores (3.10) | 6-2 6-3 |
Teresa Morris (2.77) Carmen Underwood (3.55) |
Match: 3.59 | Rating: 3.54 |
05/20/2017 | D2 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
IE-LLWSAP-AndulkaParkTC-Annette Flores So California |
L | IE-SunLakesCC-Michele Walter So California |
Annette Flores (3.14) | 6-3 4-6 1-0 |
Deborah Klink (3.45) Michele Walter (3.02) |
Match: 3.37 | Rating: 3.49 |
04/22/2017 | D1 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
IE-LLWSAP-AndulkaParkTC-Annette Flores So California |
L | IE-TCC-Nancy Clayton/Maggie McNicoll So California |
Annette Flores (3.17) | 6-4 6-3 |
Wendy Zwissler (3.35) Sue Brezina (3.46) |
Match: 3.47 | Rating: 3.51 |
04/15/2017 | D2 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
IE-LLWSAP-AndulkaParkTC-Annette Flores So California |
W | IE-CCCC-Sesilie Kay So California |
Annette Flores (3.08) | 6-0 6-2 |
Alison Roell (3.20) Milagros Pena (3.18) |
Match: 3.78 | Rating: 3.58 |
04/08/2017 | D3 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
IE-LLWSAP-AndulkaParkTC-Annette Flores So California |
W | IE-SunLakesCC-Michele Walter So California |
Annette Flores (3.07) | 6-2 6-3 |
Michele Walter (3.01) Catherine Leogrande (2.93) |
Match: 3.43 | Rating: 3.49 |
04/01/2017 | D3 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
IE-LLWSAP-AndulkaParkTC-Annette Flores So California |
W | IE-TCC-Nancy Clayton/Maggie McNicoll So California |
Annette Flores (3.13) | 3-6 6-1 1-0 |
Janine Jones (3.27) Maggie McNicoll (3.14) |
Match: 3.50 | Rating: 3.50 |
Glossary |
Match | Player rating for individual match. |
Rating | Dynamic rating after completed match. |
NC | Match not yet calculated into rating. |
S | Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player. |
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