Match History (2020) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Ashlee Thompson (INDIANAPOLIS, IN)
Female |
3.0 C 12/31/2021 |
Estimated Dynamic Rating |
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Projected Year End Rating |
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3.0 Rating Meter
2.5001 - 3.0000
2.5001 - 3.0000
2020 Combo Season |
League/Level | Total Matches |
Win | Loss | Tie | WPct | Total Sets |
Win | Loss | WPct | Total Games |
Win | Loss | WPct | Defaults |
Combo 5.5 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 50.0 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 50.0 | 38 | 21 | 17 | 55.3 | 0 |
Combo 6.5 | 6 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 66.7 | 14 | 8 | 6 | 57.1 | 121 | 64 | 57 | 52.9 | 0 |
Total | 8 | 5 | 3 | 0 | 62.5 | 18 | 10 | 8 | 55.6 | 159 | 85 | 74 | 53.5 | 0 |
12/11/2020 | D3 | Combo 6.5 Flight |
C 6.5W WE1 Ayyappan Midwest |
L | C 6.5W WR2 Roberts Midwest |
Rebecca Alexander (3.18) | 6-1 7-5 |
Sally Iuston (3.33) Marcia Roberts (3.01) |
Match: 2.66 | Rating: ----- |
11/06/2020 | D3 | Combo 6.5 |
C 6.5W WE1 Ayyappan Midwest |
L | C 6.5W CV1 Derbyshire Midwest |
Shannan Holodinski (3.05) | 6-3 7-5 |
Dolly Herschel (3.16) Kristin Hofer (2.86) |
Match: 2.65 | Rating: ----- |
10/30/2020 | D3 | Combo 6.5 |
C 6.5W WE1 Ayyappan Midwest |
W | C 6.5W WE2 Nelson Midwest |
Kelley Clegg (3.41) | 6-3 6-2 |
Roxane Durant (2.43) Karen Fisciak-Hoffman (3.26) |
Match: 2.68 | Rating: ----- |
10/10/2020 | D3 | Combo 6.5 |
C 6.5W WE1 Ayyappan Midwest |
W | C 6.5W MV Kirchick Midwest |
Kelley Clegg (3.41) | 5-7 7-5 1-0 |
Karen McLeod (3.08) Xiaozhong Men (2.87) |
Match: 2.59 | Rating: ----- |
09/27/2020 | D2 | Combo 6.5 |
C 6.5W WE1 Ayyappan Midwest |
W | C 6.5W BA Hughes Midwest |
Kelley Clegg (3.41) | 6-3 6-0 |
Wendy Hart (3.10) Kathy Kramer (2.52) |
Match: 2.74 | Rating: ----- |
03/01/2020 | D1 | Combo 5.5 Regionals |
C 5.5W WE1 Thompson Midwest |
W | NWO Combo 5.5W Stegman -PTC Midwest |
Kelley Clegg (3.41) | 6-1 6-3 |
Tammy Cousino (2.77) Julie Kreienkamp (2.65) |
Match: 2.59 | Rating: ----- |
03/01/2020 | D1 | Combo 5.5 Regionals |
C 5.5W WE1 Thompson Midwest |
L | KTC-Smallwood Midwest |
Kelley Clegg (3.41) | 6-3 7-6 |
Tanya Rhodes (3.44) Amanda Duselis (3.18) |
Match: 2.81 | Rating: ----- |
02/28/2020 | D3 | Combo 6.5 |
C 6.5W WE DeBoth Midwest |
W | C 6.5W BA Hughes Midwest |
Kelley Clegg (3.41) | 6-4 6-7 1-0 |
Michele Messmer (3.02) Dina Rendinell (2.88) |
Match: 2.59 | Rating: ----- |
Glossary |
Match | Player rating for individual match. |
Rating | Dynamic rating after completed match. |
NC | Match not yet calculated into rating. |
S | Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player. |
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