Match History (2024) View Advanced Player Stats
Aveline Murphy (Jefferson, MD)
Estimated Dynamic Rating ------
Projected Year End Rating ------
Match Date League Team Court Partner Opponent(s) W/L Result Match Rating
08/18/2024 Tournament
BG12s and B16s Dominant Duo TEAM (Outdoors) Hosted by Tennis Central @Holton Arms R3 Leah Gray
Lyla Lim
Elizabeth Teeter
L 6-2 S -----
08/18/2024 Tournament
BG12s and B16s Dominant Duo TEAM (Outdoors) Hosted by Tennis Central @Holton Arms R4 Leah Gray
Alexandra Koeva Brooks
Michaela Koeva Brooks
L 6-1 S -----
08/17/2024 Tournament
BG12s and B16s Dominant Duo TEAM (Outdoors) Hosted by Tennis Central @Holton Arms R2 Leah Gray
Jessica Wilkinson
Brooke Hall
L 6-4 S -----
08/17/2024 Tournament
BG12s and B16s Dominant Duo TEAM (Outdoors) Hosted by Tennis Central @Holton Arms R1 Leah Gray
Lucy Lippard
Emilia Serchuk
W 6-2 S -----
BG12s and B16s Dominant Duo TEAM (Outdoors) Hosted by Tennis Central @Holton Arms
08/18/2024 R3 Tournament
Leah Gray (-----) 6-2 Lyla Lim (-----)
Elizabeth Teeter (-----)
Match: S Rating: -----
BG12s and B16s Dominant Duo TEAM (Outdoors) Hosted by Tennis Central @Holton Arms
08/18/2024 R4 Tournament
Leah Gray (-----) 6-1 Alexandra Koeva Brooks (-----)
Michaela Koeva Brooks (-----)
Match: S Rating: -----
BG12s and B16s Dominant Duo TEAM (Outdoors) Hosted by Tennis Central @Holton Arms
08/17/2024 R2 Tournament
Leah Gray (-----) 6-4 Jessica Wilkinson (-----)
Brooke Hall (-----)
Match: S Rating: -----
BG12s and B16s Dominant Duo TEAM (Outdoors) Hosted by Tennis Central @Holton Arms
08/17/2024 R1 Tournament
Leah Gray (-----) 6-2 Lucy Lippard (-----)
Emilia Serchuk (-----)
Match: S Rating: -----
Match Player rating for individual match.
Rating Dynamic rating after completed match.
NC Match not yet calculated into rating.
S Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player.
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