Match History (2021) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Becky Levenick (Hershey, PA)
Female |
3.5 C 12/31/2024 |
Estimated Dynamic Rating |
3.4444 1/17/2025 |
Projected Year End Rating |
------ ---------- |
3.5 Rating Meter
3.0001 - 3.5000
3.0001 - 3.5000
2021 Overall Season [Doubles] |
League/Level | Total Matches |
Win | Loss | Tie | WPct | Total Sets |
Win | Loss | WPct | Total Games |
Win | Loss | WPct | Defaults |
Adult 18+ 3.5 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 100.0 | 10 | 10 | 0 | 100.0 | 95 | 63 | 32 | 66.3 | 0 |
Adult 40+ 3.5 | 9 | 8 | 1 | 0 | 88.9 | 19 | 16 | 3 | 84.2 | 152 | 100 | 52 | 65.8 | 0 |
Mixed 18+ 7.0 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 50.0 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 50.0 | 37 | 20 | 17 | 54.1 | 0 |
Mixed 40+ 7.0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 100.0 | 4 | 4 | 0 | 100.0 | 36 | 25 | 11 | 69.4 | 0 |
Total | 18 | 16 | 2 | 0 | 88.9 | 37 | 32 | 5 | 86.5 | 320 | 208 | 112 | 65.0 | 0 |
10/16/2021 | D1 | Mixed 40+ 7.0 |
Hershey - McNulty Middle States |
W | YACTA - Schrom Middle States |
Sean Mulroy (3.52) | 7-5 6-4 |
James Wroe (3.92) Steffie Cannella Beck (2.69) |
Match: 3.24 | Rating: 3.20 |
10/01/2021 | D1 | Mixed 40+ 7.0 |
Hershey - McNulty Middle States |
W | Hempfield - Baumer Middle States |
Sean Mulroy (3.47) | 6-1 6-1 |
Horst Bernhard (2.82) Kathy Mowrer (3.48) |
Match: 3.37 | Rating: 3.20 |
08/29/2021 | D3 | Adult 40+ 3.5 Districts |
Hershey CC - Tyndale Middle States |
L | CPD/Hempfield - Strange Middle States |
Mary Seiverling (3.23) | 6-1 6-4 |
Tina Loose (3.36) Sharon Davis (3.31) |
Match: 3.17 | Rating: 3.30 |
08/28/2021 | D2 | Adult 40+ 3.5 Districts |
Hershey CC - Tyndale Middle States |
W | Bent Creek - Schreiber Middle States |
Elizabeth O'Donnell (3.30) | 6-2 6-2 |
Mary McNamara (3.42) Tricia Stillman (2.95) |
Match: 3.48 | Rating: 3.37 |
08/18/2021 | D2 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
Hershey CC - Tyndale Middle States |
W | CPD/Hempfield - Strange Middle States |
Lori Winger (3.55) | 2-6 6-1 1-0 |
Lisa Frick (3.23) Tara Marshall (3.29) |
Match: 3.23 | Rating: 3.30 |
08/11/2021 | D2 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
Hershey CC - Tyndale Middle States |
W | ODCC - Brodbeck Middle States |
Diane Glass (3.49) | 6-0 6-3 |
Holly Rishel (3.28) Jeri Myers (3.42) |
Match: 3.61 | Rating: 3.37 |
08/04/2021 | D1 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
Hershey CC - Tyndale Middle States |
W | Hershey - Sal Middle States |
Lori Winger (3.49) | 6-2 6-2 |
Margie Danko (3.23) Maine Keith (3.35) |
Match: 3.47 | Rating: 3.34 |
07/31/2021 | D3 | Adult 18+ 3.5 Districts |
Hershey CC - Vahanian Middle States |
W | Carlisle - Net Ninjas Middle States |
Mridula Mishra (3.46) | 6-4 7-5 |
Susan Fridirici (3.05) Holly Tiley (3.21) |
Match: 3.13 | Rating: 3.26 |
07/10/2021 | D1 | Adult 18+ 3.5 |
Hershey CC - Vahanian Middle States |
W | Hempfield - HD's Middle States |
Lori Winger (3.47) | 6-1 6-1 |
Tara Marshall (3.33) Megan Jones (3.18) |
Match: 3.56 | Rating: 3.34 |
07/07/2021 | D2 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
Hershey CC - Tyndale Middle States |
W | Bent Creek - Schreiber Middle States |
Diane Glass (3.46) | 6-2 6-1 |
Andrea Reese (3.35) Tricia Stillman (3.06) |
Match: 3.42 | Rating: 3.30 |
06/23/2021 | D1 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
Hershey CC - Tyndale Middle States |
W | Hempfield - Campanader Middle States |
Elizabeth O'Donnell (3.22) | 7-5 7-6 |
Dorothy Stubblebine (3.29) Amanda Caporaletti (3.27) |
Match: 3.39 | Rating: 3.31 |
06/22/2021 | D2 | Adult 18+ 3.5 |
Hershey CC - Vahanian Middle States |
W | Hbg Academy - DePalma Middle States |
Mridula Mishra (3.39) | 6-2 6-3 |
Emily DePalma (3.21) Laura Malinoski (3.16) |
Match: 3.38 | Rating: 3.30 |
06/16/2021 | D3 | Adult 18+ 3.5 |
Hershey CC - Vahanian Middle States |
W | Carlisle - Net Ninjas Middle States |
Aylissa Tyndale (3.10) | 7-6 7-5 |
Margaret Dunlap (2.97) Susan Fridirici (3.15) |
Match: 3.22 | Rating: 3.25 |
06/04/2021 | D2 | Adult 18+ 3.5 |
Hershey CC - Vahanian Middle States |
W | Hempfield - Crush Middle States |
Aylissa Tyndale (3.01) | 6-2 6-3 |
Cher Rineer (3.08) Brandi Tait (3.38) |
Match: 3.56 | Rating: 3.28 |
05/22/2021 | D3 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
Hershey CC - Tyndale Middle States |
W | Hempfield - Hangen 3.5 Middle States |
Elizabeth O'Donnell (3.26) | 6-1 6-0 |
Kathryn Ringso (-----) Casey Carlson (3.15) |
Match: S | Rating: 3.19 |
05/08/2021 | D2 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
Hershey CC - Tyndale Middle States |
W | Hempfield - Eichenlaub/Wetzel Middle States |
Mary Seiverling (3.23) | 6-3 6-4 |
Anne Louise DeBord (3.08) Pamela J Hostetter (3.01) |
Match: 3.18 | Rating: 3.19 |
03/28/2021 | D2 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
Hershey Krush - McNulty Middle States |
L | Hempfield - Ventaja Middle States |
Art McNulty (3.27) | 6-3 7-5 |
Tyler Keck (3.04) Summer Burkholder (3.31) |
Match: 3.00 | Rating: 3.15 |
02/19/2021 | D3 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
Hershey Krush - McNulty Middle States |
W | RCW - Team Panda Middle States |
Nikolaos Tsotakos (2.73) | 6-2 6-2 |
Steven Tran (-----) Laura Ramos-Sepulveda (3.08) |
Match: S | Rating: 3.19 |
Glossary |
Match | Player rating for individual match. |
Rating | Dynamic rating after completed match. |
NC | Match not yet calculated into rating. |
S | Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player. |
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