Match History (2017) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Luis Armijo (Menifee, CA)
Male |
3.5 C 12/31/2022 |
Estimated Dynamic Rating |
3.2346 1/2/2025 |
Projected Year End Rating |
------ ---------- |
3.5 Rating Meter
3.0001 - 3.5000
3.0001 - 3.5000
2017 Overall Season [Doubles] |
League/Level | Total Matches |
Win | Loss | Tie | WPct | Total Sets |
Win | Loss | WPct | Total Games |
Win | Loss | WPct | Defaults |
Adult 18+ 3.5 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 33.3 | 7 | 3 | 4 | 42.9 | 64 | 32 | 32 | 50.0 | 1 |
Mixed 18+ 7.0 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 40.0 | 12 | 5 | 7 | 41.7 | 111 | 53 | 58 | 47.7 | 0 |
Total | 8 | 3 | 5 | 0 | 37.5 | 19 | 8 | 11 | 42.1 | 175 | 85 | 90 | 48.6 | 1 |
06/11/2017 | D1 | Adult 18+ 3.5 |
IE-MTC-Andy Wasley So California |
L | IE-LLWSAP-BlindSquirrels-AndulkaPTC-David Bradvica So California |
Alex Cuatok (2.97) | 7-5 4-6 6-1 |
Stephen Bradvica (3.42) Kennett Lai (3.13) |
Match: 3.25 | Rating: 3.12 |
06/04/2017 | D1 | Adult 18+ 3.5 |
IE-MTC-Andy Wasley So California |
L | IE-CL-Carlos Hansen/Bo Linton So California |
Alex Cuatok (2.95) | 7-5 6-3 |
Vern Clayton (3.17) Phil Hawgood (3.31) |
Match: 3.16 | Rating: 3.09 |
06/03/2017 | D3 | Adult 18+ 3.5 |
IE-MTC-Andy Wasley So California |
W | IE-LLWSAP-BlindSquirrels-AndulkaPTC-David Bradvica So California |
Rudy Corrales (-----) | 6-0 6-0 |
Default |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
05/21/2017 | D1 | Adult 18+ 3.5 |
IE-MTC-Andy Wasley So California |
W | IE-SVLCC-Stephen Mejia So California |
Alex Cuatok (2.84) | 6-1 6-1 |
Gerald Gregory (2.88) Stephen Mejia (2.60) |
Match: 3.06 | Rating: 3.06 |
03/26/2017 | D1 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
IE-MTC-Andy Wasley So California |
L | IE-FordPark-"FlyingAces"Stephanie Aca-Ac/ThuyPha So California |
Sue Pruitt (3.11) | 6-3 6-3 |
Francisco Galapate (3.41) Susan Swanson (3.55) |
Match: 3.36 | Rating: 3.27 |
03/12/2017 | D1 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
IE-MTC-Andy Wasley So California |
L | IE-APTC-"RiversideOranges"Anthony Farfan So California |
Dawn Ferro (3.10) | 6-4 4-6 6-3 |
Daniel Hsu (3.54) Monica Joersz (3.30) |
Match: 3.44 | Rating: 3.27 |
01/28/2017 | D2 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
IE-MTC-Andy Wasley So California |
W | IE-TVHS-Rob Hessler/Ed Townsend So California |
Sue Pruitt (3.01) | 6-4 5-7 6-1 |
Juan Tagasa (3.62) Stacey Piche (2.82) |
Match: 3.40 | Rating: 3.25 |
01/15/2017 | D2 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
IE-MTC-Andy Wasley So California |
L | IE-MSC-Thuy Nguyen So California |
Karen Constant (2.67) | 6-2 6-3 |
Thuy Nguyen (2.64) Manhal Kubba (3.76) |
Match: 3.22 | Rating: 3.20 |
01/07/2017 | D2 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
IE-MTC-Andy Wasley So California |
W | IE-CL-Robert Gray So California |
Dawn Ferro (3.01) | 6-4 6-2 |
Anthony Hardin (3.20) Marga Kidd (3.01) |
Match: 3.32 | Rating: 3.19 |
Glossary |
Match | Player rating for individual match. |
Rating | Dynamic rating after completed match. |
NC | Match not yet calculated into rating. |
S | Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player. |
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