Match History (Recent) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Sydney Zakic (Georgetown, KY)
Female |
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Estimated Dynamic Rating |
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Projected Year End Rating |
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Rating Meter
Match Date | League | Team | Court | Partner | Opponent(s) | W/L | Result | Match | Rating |
09/21/2024 | Tournament XJ18d |
Southern Ozaki Junior Cup | R8 |
Colby Berson (-----) |
Emma Mcewen (-----) Jonah Becker (-----) |
W | 6-2 | S | ----- |
09/21/2024 | Tournament XJ18d |
Southern Ozaki Junior Cup | R2 |
Zachary Thompson (-----) |
Alexander Monagan (-----) Kennedy Hutto (-----) |
L | 7-5 | S | ----- |
09/20/2024 | Tournament G18d |
Southern Ozaki Junior Cup | R9 |
Sanam Krishnani (-----) |
Alston Myatt (-----) Dylan Voeks (-----) |
L | 6-2 | S | ----- |
09/20/2024 | Tournament G18d |
Southern Ozaki Junior Cup | R6 |
Audrina schaefer (-----) |
Ansley Cox (-----) Gabby Barrera (-----) |
L | 6-3 | S | ----- |
09/02/2024 | Tournament G18d |
Hudsonville Dominant Duo - G16-18 + B12-14 | SW-F |
Ella Cason (-----) |
Brooke Coffman (-----) Gabrielle Lee (-----) |
L | 6-4 | S | ----- |
09/01/2024 | Tournament G18d |
Hudsonville Dominant Duo - G16-18 + B12-14 | SW-S |
Ella Cason (-----) |
Elena Fleming (-----) Addison Lind (-----) |
W | 7-5 | S | ----- |
09/01/2024 | Tournament G18d |
Hudsonville Dominant Duo - G16-18 + B12-14 | W-Q |
Ella Cason (-----) |
Yenna Park (-----) Anishka Amalnathan (-----) |
L | 6-3 | S | ----- |
08/31/2024 | Tournament G18d |
Hudsonville Dominant Duo - G16-18 + B12-14 | W-16 |
Ella Cason (-----) |
Sanam Krishnani (-----) Claire Rueff (-----) |
L | 6-2 | S | ----- |
08/31/2024 | Tournament G18d |
Hudsonville Dominant Duo - G16-18 + B12-14 | 32 |
Ella Cason (-----) |
Leah Geisz (-----) Caroline Boyle (-----) |
L | 6-2 | S | ----- |
07/27/2024 | Tournament WOPd |
ITA Summer Points Race Series- Purdue University | C-16 |
Chloe Goins (-----) |
Emily Jennewein (-----) Abby Ma (-----) |
L | 8-5 | S | ----- |
07/26/2024 | Tournament WOPd |
ITA Summer Points Race Series- Purdue University | 32 |
Chloe Goins (-----) |
Ece Gencer (-----) Juana Larranaga (-----) |
L | 8-0 | S | ----- |
07/07/2024 | Tournament G18d |
USTA Girls' 18s National Clay Court Championships at LTP | 128 |
Caroline Brown (-----) |
Ava Emrich (-----) Caroline Manzi (-----) |
L | 6-1 6-0 |
S | ----- |
06/29/2024 | Tournament G16d |
Chattanooga, TN | 16 |
Mia Yin (-----) |
Anna Du (-----) Caroline Jones (-----) |
L | 8-3 | S | ----- |
06/08/2024 | Tournament G18d |
USTA Southern 18s Championship | 16 |
Bailey Lyerly (-----) |
Virginia Crocker (-----) Danielle Young (-----) |
L | 8-1 | S | ----- |
06/07/2024 | Tournament G18d |
USTA Southern 18s Championship | 32 |
Bailey Lyerly (-----) |
Lexie Gillespie (-----) Aleksandra Wallace (-----) |
W | 8-3 | S | ----- |
05/27/2024 | Tournament G18d |
Court One - Memorial Day Weekend Dominant Duo - Boys and Girls 12's-18's | SE-F |
Sydney Schneider (-----) |
Sade Blackwell (-----) Josie Arbanas (-----) |
W | 6-4 | S | ----- |
05/26/2024 | Tournament G18d |
Court One - Memorial Day Weekend Dominant Duo - Boys and Girls 12's-18's | SE-S |
Sydney Schneider (-----) |
Yenna Park (-----) Katelyn Wu (-----) |
W | Def | ----- | ----- |
05/26/2024 | Tournament G18d |
Court One - Memorial Day Weekend Dominant Duo - Boys and Girls 12's-18's | SO-Q |
Sydney Schneider (-----) |
Gabrielle Lee (-----) Brooke Coffman (-----) |
L | 6-4 | S | ----- |
05/25/2024 | Tournament G18d |
Court One - Memorial Day Weekend Dominant Duo - Boys and Girls 12's-18's | W-16 |
Sydney Schneider (-----) |
Sophie Parr (-----) Rebecca Laynes (-----) |
L | 6-2 | S | ----- |
05/25/2024 | Tournament G18d |
Court One - Memorial Day Weekend Dominant Duo - Boys and Girls 12's-18's | 32 |
Sydney Schneider (-----) |
Madeleine Morgan (-----) Bridgette Kelly (-----) |
L | 6-1 | S | ----- |
05/05/2024 | Tournament G16d |
Peachtree City, GA- Tecnifibre Elite 32 | Q |
Hadleigh Mcintyre (-----) |
Francie Pate (-----) McKenzie Shelton (-----) |
L | 8-6 | S | ----- |
05/04/2024 | Tournament G16d |
Peachtree City, GA- Tecnifibre Elite 32 | 16 |
Hadleigh Mcintyre (-----) |
Oleksandra Revina (-----) Sadira Ouyang (-----) |
W | 8-5 | S | ----- |
02/17/2024 | Tournament G18d |
USTA MV G18 #2 | 16 |
Sofia Reuter (-----) |
Victoria Chernova (-----) Mia Yin (-----) |
L | 9-8 | S | ----- |
01/13/2024 | Tournament G16d |
Peachtree Corners, GA - BG16 (Flighted) | 32 |
Sophia Gendlin (-----) |
Sofia Garcia (-----) Ruxandra Apetrei (-----) |
L | 8-4 | S | ----- |
Southern Ozaki Junior Cup | ||
09/21/2024 | R8 | Tournament XJ18d |
W | ||
Colby Berson (-----) | 6-2 |
Emma Mcewen (-----) Jonah Becker (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Southern Ozaki Junior Cup | ||
09/21/2024 | R2 | Tournament XJ18d |
L | ||
Zachary Thompson (-----) | 7-5 |
Alexander Monagan (-----) Kennedy Hutto (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Southern Ozaki Junior Cup | ||
09/20/2024 | R9 | Tournament G18d |
L | ||
Sanam Krishnani (-----) | 6-2 |
Alston Myatt (-----) Dylan Voeks (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Southern Ozaki Junior Cup | ||
09/20/2024 | R6 | Tournament G18d |
L | ||
Audrina schaefer (-----) | 6-3 |
Ansley Cox (-----) Gabby Barrera (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Hudsonville Dominant Duo - G16-18 + B12-14 | ||
09/02/2024 | SW-F | Tournament G18d |
L | ||
Ella Cason (-----) | 6-4 |
Brooke Coffman (-----) Gabrielle Lee (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Hudsonville Dominant Duo - G16-18 + B12-14 | ||
09/01/2024 | SW-S | Tournament G18d |
W | ||
Ella Cason (-----) | 7-5 |
Elena Fleming (-----) Addison Lind (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Hudsonville Dominant Duo - G16-18 + B12-14 | ||
09/01/2024 | W-Q | Tournament G18d |
L | ||
Ella Cason (-----) | 6-3 |
Yenna Park (-----) Anishka Amalnathan (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Hudsonville Dominant Duo - G16-18 + B12-14 | ||
08/31/2024 | W-16 | Tournament G18d |
L | ||
Ella Cason (-----) | 6-2 |
Sanam Krishnani (-----) Claire Rueff (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Hudsonville Dominant Duo - G16-18 + B12-14 | ||
08/31/2024 | 32 | Tournament G18d |
L | ||
Ella Cason (-----) | 6-2 |
Leah Geisz (-----) Caroline Boyle (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
ITA Summer Points Race Series- Purdue University | ||
07/27/2024 | C-16 | Tournament WOPd |
L | ||
Chloe Goins (-----) | 8-5 |
Emily Jennewein (-----) Abby Ma (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
ITA Summer Points Race Series- Purdue University | ||
07/26/2024 | 32 | Tournament WOPd |
L | ||
Chloe Goins (-----) | 8-0 |
Ece Gencer (-----) Juana Larranaga (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
USTA Girls' 18s National Clay Court Championships at LTP | ||
07/07/2024 | 128 | Tournament G18d |
L | ||
Caroline Brown (-----) | 6-1 6-0 |
Ava Emrich (-----) Caroline Manzi (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Chattanooga, TN | ||
06/29/2024 | 16 | Tournament G16d |
L | ||
Mia Yin (-----) | 8-3 |
Anna Du (-----) Caroline Jones (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
USTA Southern 18s Championship | ||
06/08/2024 | 16 | Tournament G18d |
L | ||
Bailey Lyerly (-----) | 8-1 |
Virginia Crocker (-----) Danielle Young (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
USTA Southern 18s Championship | ||
06/07/2024 | 32 | Tournament G18d |
W | ||
Bailey Lyerly (-----) | 8-3 |
Lexie Gillespie (-----) Aleksandra Wallace (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Court One - Memorial Day Weekend Dominant Duo - Boys and Girls 12's-18's | ||
05/27/2024 | SE-F | Tournament G18d |
W | ||
Sydney Schneider (-----) | 6-4 |
Sade Blackwell (-----) Josie Arbanas (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Court One - Memorial Day Weekend Dominant Duo - Boys and Girls 12's-18's | ||
05/26/2024 | SE-S | Tournament G18d |
W | ||
Sydney Schneider (-----) | Def |
Yenna Park (-----) Katelyn Wu (-----) |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
Court One - Memorial Day Weekend Dominant Duo - Boys and Girls 12's-18's | ||
05/26/2024 | SO-Q | Tournament G18d |
L | ||
Sydney Schneider (-----) | 6-4 |
Gabrielle Lee (-----) Brooke Coffman (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Court One - Memorial Day Weekend Dominant Duo - Boys and Girls 12's-18's | ||
05/25/2024 | W-16 | Tournament G18d |
L | ||
Sydney Schneider (-----) | 6-2 |
Sophie Parr (-----) Rebecca Laynes (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Court One - Memorial Day Weekend Dominant Duo - Boys and Girls 12's-18's | ||
05/25/2024 | 32 | Tournament G18d |
L | ||
Sydney Schneider (-----) | 6-1 |
Madeleine Morgan (-----) Bridgette Kelly (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Peachtree City, GA- Tecnifibre Elite 32 | ||
05/05/2024 | Q | Tournament G16d |
L | ||
Hadleigh Mcintyre (-----) | 8-6 |
Francie Pate (-----) McKenzie Shelton (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Peachtree City, GA- Tecnifibre Elite 32 | ||
05/04/2024 | 16 | Tournament G16d |
W | ||
Hadleigh Mcintyre (-----) | 8-5 |
Oleksandra Revina (-----) Sadira Ouyang (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
USTA MV G18 #2 | ||
02/17/2024 | 16 | Tournament G18d |
L | ||
Sofia Reuter (-----) | 9-8 |
Victoria Chernova (-----) Mia Yin (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Peachtree Corners, GA - BG16 (Flighted) | ||
01/13/2024 | 32 | Tournament G16d |
L | ||
Sophia Gendlin (-----) | 8-4 |
Sofia Garcia (-----) Ruxandra Apetrei (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Glossary |
Match | Player rating for individual match. |
Rating | Dynamic rating after completed match. |
NC | Match not yet calculated into rating. |
S | Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player. |
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