Match History (2014) View Advanced Player Stats
Wesley Roberson (Jackson, MS)
Estimated Dynamic Rating ------
Projected Year End Rating ------
Match Date League Team Court Partner Opponent(s) W/L Result Match Rating
04/19/2014 Tournament
Club@Crossgates 2 Day Spring Junior Novice (MS L5) & High School Cup (MS L4[STA L5] & MS L5) F Holman Buchanan Case Draughn

Peyton Parker
W 8-0 ----- -----
04/18/2014 Tournament
Club@Crossgates 2 Day Spring Junior Novice (MS L5) & High School Cup (MS L4[STA L5] & MS L5) S Holman Buchanan Lee Martin

Will Massey
W 8-0 ----- -----
04/18/2014 Tournament
Club@Crossgates 2 Day Spring Junior Novice (MS L5) & High School Cup (MS L4[STA L5] & MS L5) Q Holman Buchanan Tranny Covey

Yunuel Sanchez
W 8-0 ----- -----
Club@Crossgates 2 Day Spring Junior Novice (MS L5) & High School Cup (MS L4[STA L5] & MS L5)
04/19/2014 F Tournament
Holman Buchanan 8-0 Case Draughn
Peyton Parker
Match: ----- Rating: -----
Club@Crossgates 2 Day Spring Junior Novice (MS L5) & High School Cup (MS L4[STA L5] & MS L5)
04/18/2014 S Tournament
Holman Buchanan 8-0 Lee Martin
Will Massey
Match: ----- Rating: -----
Club@Crossgates 2 Day Spring Junior Novice (MS L5) & High School Cup (MS L4[STA L5] & MS L5)
04/18/2014 Q Tournament
Holman Buchanan 8-0 Tranny Covey
Yunuel Sanchez
Match: ----- Rating: -----
Match Player rating for individual match.
Rating Dynamic rating after completed match.
NC Match not yet calculated into rating.
S Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player.
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