Match History (2018) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Aaron Needham (Angier, NC)
Male |
3.5 C 12/31/2022 |
Estimated Dynamic Rating |
3.1072 1/30/2025 |
Projected Year End Rating |
------ ---------- |
3.5 Rating Meter
3.0001 - 3.5000
3.0001 - 3.5000
2018 Overall Rating Season |
League/Level | Total Matches |
Win | Loss | Tie | WPct | Total Sets |
Win | Loss | WPct | Total Games |
Win | Loss | WPct | Defaults |
Adult 40+ 3.5 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 50.0 | 11 | 5 | 6 | 45.5 | 76 | 38 | 38 | 50.0 | 0 |
Adult Other 3.5 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0.0 | 8 | 2 | 6 | 25.0 | 56 | 22 | 34 | 39.3 | 0 |
Combo 6.5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 66.7 | 6 | 4 | 2 | 66.7 | 47 | 31 | 16 | 66.0 | 0 |
Total | 10 | 4 | 6 | 0 | 40.0 | 25 | 11 | 14 | 44.0 | 179 | 91 | 88 | 50.8 | 0 |
Match Date | League | Team | Court | Partner | Opponent(s) | W/L | Result | Match | Rating |
10/28/2018 | Tournament Combo MX7.0d |
WWTA Harvest NTRP Adult Tournament (NC 150/STA 75 pts) | RR |
Nancy Needham (-----) |
David Corcoran (-----) DeAnne Edwards (3.17) |
L | 3-6 6-3 1-0 |
S | ----- |
10/27/2018 | Tournament Combo MX7.0d |
WWTA Harvest NTRP Adult Tournament (NC 150/STA 75 pts) | RR |
Nancy Needham (-----) |
Erin McAllister (3.17) Istvan Pataki (3.47) |
L | 4-2 2-4 1-0 |
S | ----- |
10/27/2018 | Tournament Combo MX7.0d |
WWTA Harvest NTRP Adult Tournament (NC 150/STA 75 pts) | RR |
Nancy Needham (-----) |
Scott Daniel (3.10) Pamela Godwin (2.95) |
L | 4-2 1-4 1-0 |
S | ----- |
10/13/2018 | Combo 6.5 |
6. TOC.STOGNER Southern |
D3 |
Ronald Stogner (2.62) |
Tyler Shields (-----) Chad Vickery (-----) |
W | 6-0 6-0 |
S | ----- |
10/07/2018 | Combo 6.5 |
6. TOC.STOGNER Southern |
D3 |
Todd Takalo (2.79) |
Charles Paye (3.04) Kenneth Waters (2.50) |
W | 6-2 6-2 |
3.31 | ----- |
08/18/2018 | Combo 6.5 |
6. TOC.STOGNER Southern |
D2 |
Ronald Stogner (2.62) |
Bert Clancey (3.36) Scott Anderson (2.99) |
L | 6-3 6-4 |
3.37 | ----- |
06/19/2018 | Adult Other 3.5 |
7. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
S1 |
James Wysocki (3.41) |
L | 7-5 4-6 1-0 |
S | ----- | |
06/12/2018 | Adult Other 3.5 |
7. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
S1 |
Ivan Andjelkovic (3.37) |
L | 6-1 6-0 |
S | ----- | |
06/06/2018 | Adult Other 3.5 |
7. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
S1 |
David McDaniel (3.28) |
L | 6-4 3-6 1-0 |
S | ----- | |
05/05/2018 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
1. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
D1 |
Scott Daniel (3.06) |
David Lewis (3.56) Derek Reinke (3.47) |
L | 5-7 6-4 1-0 |
3.62 | 3.37 |
04/28/2018 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
1. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
S1 |
Joseph Pollone (3.59) |
L | 7-5 6-3 |
3.46 | 3.32 | |
04/21/2018 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
1. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
S1 |
Nilesh Champaneria (3.25) |
W | 3-6 6-0 1-0 |
3.39 | 3.28 | |
04/14/2018 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
1. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
S2 |
Morten Pedersen (3.19) |
W | 6-1 2-6 1-0 |
3.25 | 3.23 | |
03/04/2018 | Tournament NX3.5d |
Dr. Harvey C. Jenkins, Sr. Wizards Tennis Association Pre Spring Classic | F |
Nancy Needham (-----) |
Scott Daniel (3.10) Pamela Godwin (2.95) |
W | 2-6 7-6 1-0 |
S | ----- |
03/04/2018 | Tournament NM4.0d |
Dr. Harvey C. Jenkins, Sr. Wizards Tennis Association Pre Spring Classic | C-F |
Scott Daniel (3.10) |
Marty Baker (-----) Brian Hurley (3.08) |
W | Def | ----- | ----- |
03/03/2018 | Tournament NM4.0d |
Dr. Harvey C. Jenkins, Sr. Wizards Tennis Association Pre Spring Classic | S |
Scott Daniel (3.10) |
Jody Chance (-----) Rob Lane (-----) |
L | 7-5 7-6 |
S | ----- |
03/03/2018 | Tournament NX3.5d |
Dr. Harvey C. Jenkins, Sr. Wizards Tennis Association Pre Spring Classic | S |
Nancy Needham (-----) |
Marty Baker (-----) Parker Savage (-----) |
W | 1-6 6-2 1-0 |
S | ----- |
01/20/2018 | Tournament Combo MX7.0d |
35th Annual Indoor Doubles Tournament (Social) | S |
Nancy Needham (-----) |
Doug Kopec (-----) Jenny Perry (3.49) |
L | 7-5 6-1 |
S | ----- |
01/20/2018 | Tournament NM3.5d |
35th Annual Indoor Doubles Tournament (Social) | Q |
Scott Daniel (3.10) |
Timothy Buckley (3.33) Henry Hutcheson (3.37) |
L | 6-3 6-3 |
3.26 | ----- |
WWTA Harvest NTRP Adult Tournament (NC 150/STA 75 pts) | ||
10/28/2018 | RR | Tournament Combo MX7.0d |
L | ||
Nancy Needham (-----) | 3-6 6-3 1-0 |
David Corcoran (-----) DeAnne Edwards (3.17) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
WWTA Harvest NTRP Adult Tournament (NC 150/STA 75 pts) | ||
10/27/2018 | RR | Tournament Combo MX7.0d |
L | ||
Nancy Needham (-----) | 4-2 2-4 1-0 |
Erin McAllister (3.17) Istvan Pataki (3.47) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
WWTA Harvest NTRP Adult Tournament (NC 150/STA 75 pts) | ||
10/27/2018 | RR | Tournament Combo MX7.0d |
L | ||
Nancy Needham (-----) | 4-2 1-4 1-0 |
Scott Daniel (3.10) Pamela Godwin (2.95) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
10/13/2018 | D3 | Combo 6.5 |
6. TOC.STOGNER Southern |
W | 2. MD.SHIELDS Southern |
Ronald Stogner (2.62) | 6-0 6-0 |
Tyler Shields (-----) Chad Vickery (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
10/07/2018 | D3 | Combo 6.5 |
6. TOC.STOGNER Southern |
W | 4. LOCH.KING Southern |
Todd Takalo (2.79) | 6-2 6-2 |
Charles Paye (3.04) Kenneth Waters (2.50) |
Match: 3.31 | Rating: ----- |
08/18/2018 | D2 | Combo 6.5 |
6. TOC.STOGNER Southern |
L | 1. LOCH.HILLER Southern |
Ronald Stogner (2.62) | 6-3 6-4 |
Bert Clancey (3.36) Scott Anderson (2.99) |
Match: 3.37 | Rating: ----- |
06/19/2018 | S1 | Adult Other 3.5 |
7. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
L | 1. CAS.PATAKI Southern |
7-5 4-6 1-0 |
James Wysocki (3.41) | |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
06/12/2018 | S1 | Adult Other 3.5 |
7. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
L | 8. TOHS.PARK Southern |
6-1 6-0 |
Ivan Andjelkovic (3.37) | |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
06/06/2018 | S1 | Adult Other 3.5 |
7. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
L | 4. PW.KWIATEK Southern |
6-4 3-6 1-0 |
David McDaniel (3.28) | |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
05/05/2018 | D1 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
1. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
L | 7. MD.MORIARTY Southern |
Scott Daniel (3.06) | 5-7 6-4 1-0 |
David Lewis (3.56) Derek Reinke (3.47) |
Match: 3.62 | Rating: 3.37 |
04/28/2018 | S1 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
1. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
L | 6. TOC.LAWRENCE Southern |
7-5 6-3 |
Joseph Pollone (3.59) | |
Match: 3.46 | Rating: 3.32 |
04/21/2018 | S1 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
1. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
W | 4. LOCH.REICHELT Southern |
3-6 6-0 1-0 |
Nilesh Champaneria (3.25) | |
Match: 3.39 | Rating: 3.28 |
04/14/2018 | S2 | Adult 40+ 3.5 |
1. TOHS.DANIEL Southern |
W | 5. SR.WRIGHT Southern |
6-1 2-6 1-0 |
Morten Pedersen (3.19) | |
Match: 3.25 | Rating: 3.23 |
Dr. Harvey C. Jenkins, Sr. Wizards Tennis Association Pre Spring Classic | ||
03/04/2018 | F | Tournament NX3.5d |
W | ||
Nancy Needham (-----) | 2-6 7-6 1-0 |
Scott Daniel (3.10) Pamela Godwin (2.95) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Dr. Harvey C. Jenkins, Sr. Wizards Tennis Association Pre Spring Classic | ||
03/04/2018 | C-F | Tournament NM4.0d |
W | ||
Scott Daniel (3.10) | Def |
Marty Baker (-----) Brian Hurley (3.08) |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
Dr. Harvey C. Jenkins, Sr. Wizards Tennis Association Pre Spring Classic | ||
03/03/2018 | S | Tournament NM4.0d |
L | ||
Scott Daniel (3.10) | 7-5 7-6 |
Jody Chance (-----) Rob Lane (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
Dr. Harvey C. Jenkins, Sr. Wizards Tennis Association Pre Spring Classic | ||
03/03/2018 | S | Tournament NX3.5d |
W | ||
Nancy Needham (-----) | 1-6 6-2 1-0 |
Marty Baker (-----) Parker Savage (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
35th Annual Indoor Doubles Tournament (Social) | ||
01/20/2018 | S | Tournament Combo MX7.0d |
L | ||
Nancy Needham (-----) | 7-5 6-1 |
Doug Kopec (-----) Jenny Perry (3.49) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
35th Annual Indoor Doubles Tournament (Social) | ||
01/20/2018 | Q | Tournament NM3.5d |
L | ||
Scott Daniel (3.10) | 6-3 6-3 |
Timothy Buckley (3.33) Henry Hutcheson (3.37) |
Match: 3.26 | Rating: ----- |
Glossary |
Match | Player rating for individual match. |
Rating | Dynamic rating after completed match. |
NC | Match not yet calculated into rating. |
S | Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player. |
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