Match History (2018) View Advanced Player Stats
Adam Del Rosso (State College, PA)
3.5 S
Estimated Dynamic Rating ------
Projected Year End Rating ------
3.5 Rating Meter
3.0001 - 3.5000
Match Date League Team Court Partner Opponent(s) W/L Result Match Rating
04/27/2018 Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles Q Ginny Kerwin
Megan Comerford
joe erickson
L 9-7 S -----
04/27/2018 Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles W-F Ginny Kerwin
Janet Hogan
Tom Wene
W 6-2
S -----
03/23/2018 Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles S Meredith Seamon
George Duncan
Ginny Kerwin
L 8-6 S -----
03/23/2018 Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles NE-F Meredith Seamon
Kimberly McHenry
Alan Winsler
L 8-5 S -----
02/23/2018 Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles Q Meredith Seamon
Kimberly McHenry
Alan Winsler
L 9-7 S -----
02/23/2018 Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles W-F Meredith Seamon
Loretta Hedges
Scott McDonald
W 9-7 S -----
02/23/2018 Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles W-S Meredith Seamon
Charles Kerwin
Karen Woods
W 8-3 S -----
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles
04/27/2018 Q Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Ginny Kerwin (-----) 9-7 Megan Comerford (-----)
joe erickson (-----)
Match: S Rating: -----
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles
04/27/2018 W-F Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Ginny Kerwin (-----) 6-2
Janet Hogan (2.77)
Tom Wene (-----)
Match: S Rating: -----
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles
03/23/2018 S Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Meredith Seamon (-----) 8-6 George Duncan (-----)
Ginny Kerwin (-----)
Match: S Rating: -----
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles
03/23/2018 NE-F Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Meredith Seamon (-----) 8-5 Kimberly McHenry (2.89)
Alan Winsler (-----)
Match: S Rating: -----
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles
02/23/2018 Q Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Meredith Seamon (-----) 9-7 Kimberly McHenry (2.89)
Alan Winsler (-----)
Match: S Rating: -----
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles
02/23/2018 W-F Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Meredith Seamon (-----) 9-7 Loretta Hedges (3.09)
Scott McDonald (-----)
Match: S Rating: -----
Game Set Money!!! 6.0 Combo Mixed Doubles
02/23/2018 W-S Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Meredith Seamon (-----) 8-3 Charles Kerwin (-----)
Karen Woods (-----)
Match: S Rating: -----
Match Player rating for individual match.
Rating Dynamic rating after completed match.
NC Match not yet calculated into rating.
S Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player.
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