Match History (2024) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Chris Dundas (Torrance, CA)
Male |
4.5 C 12/31/2024 |
Estimated Dynamic Rating |
4.5000 1/2/2025 |
Projected Year End Rating |
------ ---------- |
4.5 Rating Meter
4.0001 - 4.5000
4.0001 - 4.5000
2024 Overall Season |
League/Level | Total Matches |
Win | Loss | Tie | WPct | Total Sets |
Win | Loss | WPct | Total Games |
Win | Loss | WPct | Defaults |
Adult 55+ 9.0 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 100.0 | 7 | 6 | 1 | 85.7 | 56 | 36 | 20 | 64.3 | 0 |
Mixed 18+ 8.0 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 75.0 | 8 | 6 | 2 | 75.0 | 67 | 41 | 26 | 61.2 | 0 |
Mixed 40+ 8.0 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 66.7 | 6 | 4 | 2 | 66.7 | 56 | 34 | 22 | 60.7 | 0 |
Mixed Other 8.0 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 100.0 | 11 | 10 | 1 | 90.9 | 81 | 59 | 22 | 72.8 | 1 |
Total | 15 | 13 | 2 | 0 | 86.7 | 32 | 26 | 6 | 81.3 | 260 | 170 | 90 | 65.4 | 1 |
11/24/2024 | D1 | Mixed Other 8.0 |
BC-WestEnd/MaryKayDyes So California |
W | BC-PVTC/NikkiNance So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (-----) | 6-0 6-0 |
Default |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
11/17/2024 | D1 | Mixed Other 8.0 |
BC-WestEnd/MaryKayDyes So California |
W | BC-ElDoradoYolandaBarocio So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (3.35) | 6-2 6-0 |
Cheryl Gates (3.82) Ling Wong (3.50) |
Match: 4.62 | Rating: 4.56 |
10/05/2024 | D2 | Mixed Other 8.0 |
BC-WestEnd/MaryKayDyes So California |
W | BC-LLW-AltaVista/GaiOdanadka So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (3.19) | 4-6 6-3 1-0 |
Eric VanderPloeg (3.97) Evelyn Yanke (4.01) |
Match: 4.97 | Rating: 5.01 |
09/29/2024 | D1 | Mixed Other 8.0 |
BC-WestEnd/MaryKayDyes So California |
W | BC-PVTC/NikkiNance So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (3.15) | 6-2 6-3 |
Kurt Kredel (4.54) Elizabeth Altman (3.45) |
Match: 5.15 | Rating: 5.04 |
09/20/2024 | D1 | Mixed 40+ 8.0 Sectionals |
BC-LLW-WestEnd/BarrySt.John So California |
L | LA-LLW-Rancho Cienega-Gerald Blankson So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (3.14) | 7-6 6-4 |
Sunny London (3.70) Eleazar Heracleopolis (4.27) |
Match: 4.85 | Rating: 4.98 |
08/10/2024 | D1 | Adult 55+ 9.0 |
BC-WestEnd/TimClaar So California |
W | BC-LLW-PVTC/JeromeHaig So California |
Tracy Hyman (4.34) | 7-6 6-3 |
Brian Beach (4.31) Wade Murphy (4.45) |
Match: 4.47 | Rating: 4.47 |
07/28/2024 | D1 | Mixed 40+ 8.0 |
BC-LLW-WestEnd/BarrySt.John So California |
W | BC-ErnieHowlett/TakTakeda So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (3.20) | 6-2 6-4 |
Dex Yamanashi (3.85) Riho Nakano (3.85) |
Match: 4.96 | Rating: 5.01 |
07/13/2024 | D1 | Adult 55+ 9.0 |
BC-WestEnd/TimClaar So California |
W | BC-MCC/RemcoWaller So California |
Tracy Hyman (4.37) | 6-0 6-3 |
Peter Albert (4.37) Edward Han (4.02) |
Match: 4.35 | Rating: 4.47 |
06/30/2024 | D1 | Mixed 40+ 8.0 |
BC-LLW-WestEnd/BarrySt.John So California |
W | BC-MCC/TonyRojko So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (3.21) | 6-1 6-2 |
Frances Hong (3.89) Brian Kelleher (3.60) |
Match: 4.97 | Rating: 5.03 |
06/23/2024 | D2 | Adult 55+ 9.0 |
BC-WestEnd/TimClaar So California |
W | BC-LLW-PVTC/JeromeHaig So California |
Tracy Hyman (4.36) | 6-2 4-6 1-0 |
Wade Murphy (4.47) Brian Beach (4.28) |
Match: 4.56 | Rating: 4.56 |
04/19/2024 | D1 | Mixed 18+ 8.0 Sectionals |
BC-LLW-WestEnd/BarrySt.John So California |
L | OC LLW Irvine LPC - Lee Sun3pm So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (3.18) | 6-2 6-3 |
Christopher Contreras (4.04) Connie Yoo (4.24) |
Match: 4.84 | Rating: 5.00 |
03/17/2024 | D1 | Mixed 18+ 8.0 |
BC-LLW-WestEnd/BarrySt.John So California |
W | BC-MiraCosta/TomWatanabe So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (3.11) | 6-4 6-3 |
Riho Nakano (3.90) Mike Bacayo (3.94) |
Match: S | Rating: 5.07 |
02/18/2024 | D1 | Mixed 18+ 8.0 |
BC-LLW-WestEnd/BarrySt.John So California |
W | BC-ElSegundo/TakTakeda So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (3.14) | 6-1 6-4 |
Yuka Hirose (4.05) Keiichi Yamada (3.43) |
Match: 4.96 | Rating: 5.07 |
01/28/2024 | D1 | Mixed Other 8.0 |
BC-WestEnd/MaryKayDyes So California |
W | BC-LLW-AltaVista/TeresaCampbell So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (3.09) | 6-2 6-0 |
Teresa Campbell (3.74) Steven Kigawa (4.00) |
Match: 5.10 | Rating: 5.10 |
01/14/2024 | D1 | Mixed Other 8.0 |
BC-WestEnd/MaryKayDyes So California |
W | BC-AltaVista/GaiOdanaka So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (3.09) | 6-2 6-2 |
Yumiko Tokiwa (4.00) Steve Eperthener (3.96) |
Match: 5.45 | Rating: 5.10 |
01/07/2024 | D1 | Mixed 18+ 8.0 |
BC-LLW-WestEnd/BarrySt.John So California |
W | BC-MCC/TonyRojko So California |
Yuko Ishibashi (3.09) | 6-1 6-1 |
Bre Kelleher (3.84) Brian Kelleher (-----) |
Match: 4.23 | Rating: 4.23 |
Glossary |
Match | Player rating for individual match. |
Rating | Dynamic rating after completed match. |
NC | Match not yet calculated into rating. |
S | Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player. |
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