Match History (2018) View Advanced Player Stats
Frantz Etienne (Rock Hill, SC)
3.0 C
Estimated Dynamic Rating 2.8192
Projected Year End Rating ------
3.0 Rating Meter
Rating Meter
2.5001 - 3.0000
Match Date League Team Court Partner Opponent(s) W/L Result Match Rating
07/14/2018 Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Firecracker Doubles (STA 150/NC 200pts) RR Coretta Wilson
Kelli Rester
Barry Rester
W 6-0
3.11 -----
07/14/2018 Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Firecracker Doubles (STA 150/NC 200pts) RR Coretta Wilson
Lisa Alexander
Joe Crawford
W 6-0
3.65 -----
01/13/2018 Tournament
Combo MX7.0d
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5 RR Valerie Sands
Lucius Jumper
Melissa Taylor
W 6-4 3.19 -----
01/13/2018 Tournament
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5 RR Timothy Barber
Shawn McCarthy
Kenji Uyeda
W 6-3 3.06 -----
01/13/2018 Tournament
Combo MX7.0d
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5 RR Valerie Sands
Kathy Ponton
Rob Szwec
L 6-0 2.37 -----
01/13/2018 Tournament
Combo MX7.0d
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5 RR Valerie Sands
Ryan McCormick
Priscilla McCormick
W 6-1 4.26 -----
01/13/2018 Tournament
Combo MX7.0d
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5 RR Valerie Sands
Stephanie Light
Kevin Light
L 6-2 2.27 -----
01/13/2018 Tournament
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5 RR Timothy Barber
Justin Griggs
ronald sellers
L 6-3 2.34 -----
01/13/2018 Tournament
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5 RR Timothy Barber
John Duhan
Donald Godish
L 6-1 1.87 -----
Firecracker Doubles (STA 150/NC 200pts)
07/14/2018 RR Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Coretta Wilson (3.19) 6-0
Kelli Rester (2.63)
Barry Rester (-----)
Match: 3.11 Rating: -----
Firecracker Doubles (STA 150/NC 200pts)
07/14/2018 RR Tournament
Combo MX6.0d
Coretta Wilson (3.19) 6-0
Lisa Alexander (3.22)
Joe Crawford (-----)
Match: 3.65 Rating: -----
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5
01/13/2018 RR Tournament
Combo MX7.0d
Valerie Sands (3.17) 6-4 Lucius Jumper (3.09)
Melissa Taylor (-----)
Match: 3.19 Rating: -----
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5
01/13/2018 RR Tournament
Timothy Barber (2.84) 6-3 Shawn McCarthy (2.75)
Kenji Uyeda (2.76)
Match: 3.06 Rating: -----
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5
01/13/2018 RR Tournament
Combo MX7.0d
Valerie Sands (3.17) 6-0 Kathy Ponton (2.83)
Rob Szwec (3.67)
Match: 2.37 Rating: -----
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5
01/13/2018 RR Tournament
Combo MX7.0d
Valerie Sands (3.17) 6-1 Ryan McCormick (3.60)
Priscilla McCormick (3.06)
Match: 4.26 Rating: -----
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5
01/13/2018 RR Tournament
Combo MX7.0d
Valerie Sands (3.17) 6-2 Stephanie Light (2.81)
Kevin Light (3.22)
Match: 2.27 Rating: -----
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5
01/13/2018 RR Tournament
Timothy Barber (2.84) 6-3 Justin Griggs (2.86)
ronald sellers (2.71)
Match: 2.34 Rating: -----
Cayce One Day Combo Doubles Tournament- SC L5
01/13/2018 RR Tournament
Timothy Barber (2.84) 6-1 John Duhan (2.86)
Donald Godish (2.62)
Match: 1.87 Rating: -----
Match Player rating for individual match.
Rating Dynamic rating after completed match.
NC Match not yet calculated into rating.
S Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player.
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