Match History (2014) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Kay Burrichter (Lancaster, PA)
Female |
3.5 C 12/31/2024 |
Estimated Dynamic Rating |
3.0935 1/9/2025 |
Projected Year End Rating |
------ ---------- |
3.5 Rating Meter
3.0001 - 3.5000
3.0001 - 3.5000
2014 Overall Rating Season |
League/Level | Total Matches |
Win | Loss | Tie | WPct | Total Sets |
Win | Loss | WPct | Total Games |
Win | Loss | WPct | Defaults |
Adult 18+ 4.0 | 7 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 42.9 | 16 | 7 | 9 | 43.8 | 124 | 57 | 67 | 46.0 | 0 |
Mixed 18+ 7.0 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 40.0 | 12 | 5 | 7 | 41.7 | 103 | 52 | 51 | 50.5 | 0 |
Mixed 40+ 7.0 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 66.7 | 7 | 5 | 2 | 71.4 | 61 | 36 | 25 | 59.0 | 0 |
Mixed Other 7.0 | 6 | 2 | 4 | 0 | 33.3 | 13 | 5 | 8 | 38.5 | 118 | 54 | 64 | 45.8 | 0 |
Total | 21 | 9 | 12 | 0 | 42.9 | 48 | 22 | 26 | 45.8 | 406 | 199 | 207 | 49.0 | 0 |
11/09/2014 | D1 | Mixed 40+ 7.0 |
RCW Lanc - Falk Middle States |
W | Wisehaven - Klauber Middle States |
Thomas Manchak | 7-5 6-1 |
Lori Klauber Roy Klauber |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
11/08/2014 | D1 | Mixed 40+ 7.0 |
RCW Lanc - Falk Middle States |
W | Hempfield - Pyle Middle States |
Kenneth Falk | 7-5 6-3 |
George Adams Pamela Pyle |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
11/01/2014 | D1 | Mixed 40+ 7.0 |
RCW Lanc - Falk Middle States |
L | West Shore - Klevorn Middle States |
Frank Steinruck | 6-4 4-6 1-0 |
Timothy Walsh Regina Walsh |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
07/20/2014 | S2 | Adult 18+ 4.0 |
RCW Lanc - Sumar Middle States |
L | Wisehaven - Michels Middle States |
6-3 6-3 |
Olivia Purtell | |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
07/13/2014 | S2 | Adult 18+ 4.0 |
RCW Lanc - Sumar Middle States |
W | ODCC - Sipe Middle States |
6-2 6-4 |
Lauren Strausbaugh | |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
06/30/2014 | D1 | Adult 18+ 4.0 |
RCW Lanc - Sumar Middle States |
L | Hempfield - Covell Middle States |
Kathleen Kauffman () | 6-0 6-2 |
Kathy Masch Tammy Myers |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
06/29/2014 | S2 | Adult 18+ 4.0 |
RCW Lanc - Sumar Middle States |
L | Hershey - Stoute Middle States |
6-1 6-3 |
Jennifer Kitlan | |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
06/20/2014 | D1 | Adult 18+ 4.0 |
RCW Lanc - Sumar Middle States |
L | Hempfield - Wenger Middle States |
Nancy Henry () | 6-4 3-6 1-0 |
Nina Beecher Tricia Sollenberger |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
06/01/2014 | D2 | Adult 18+ 4.0 |
RCW Lanc - Sumar Middle States |
W | CC of York - Snyder Middle States |
Nancy Henry () | 6-3 4-6 1-0 |
Alison Sabados Audrey Lubas |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
05/18/2014 | D1 | Adult 18+ 4.0 |
RCW Lanc - Sumar Middle States |
W | Hempfield - Landis Middle States |
Nancy Henry () | 6-3 6-3 |
Renee Alshouse Maria Frego |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
04/05/2014 | D2 | Mixed Other 7.0 |
RCWest Lanc - Falk Middle States |
L | Hempfield - Pyle Middle States |
William Beck | 7-5 6-4 |
Eileen Schram Steven Schram |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
03/23/2014 | D2 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
RCWest Lanc - Falk Middle States |
W | Hempfield - Bernhard Middle States |
William Beck | 5-7 6-2 1-0 |
Kristle Evans Randy Wolgemuth |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
03/22/2014 | D2 | Mixed Other 7.0 |
RCWest Lanc - Falk Middle States |
L | Wisehaven - Davidson Middle States |
William Beck | 6-2 6-2 |
Greg Corcoran Dennie Stone |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
03/16/2014 | D1 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
RCWest Lanc - Falk Middle States |
L | Hanover - Hess Middle States |
William Beck | 7-6 6-2 |
Eva Hess Phillips Scott Phillips |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
03/02/2014 | D2 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
RCWest Lanc - Falk Middle States |
L | Hempfield - McLaughlin Middle States |
William Beck | 7-6 7-6 |
John Pepley Kristen Dimm |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
02/23/2014 | D3 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
RCWest Lanc - Falk Middle States |
W | Camp Hill - Manifold Middle States |
William Beck | 6-1 6-3 |
Rick Robinson Jane Endriss |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
02/22/2014 | D3 | Mixed Other 7.0 |
RCWest Lanc - Falk Middle States |
W | West Shore - Eckhaus Middle States |
William Beck | 7-5 6-1 |
claire hoffman George Hoffman |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
02/02/2014 | D2 | Mixed Other 7.0 |
RCWest Lanc - Falk Middle States |
L | Hempfield - Stauffer Middle States |
William Beck | 6-1 6-4 |
Michael Spence Kristle Evans |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
01/25/2014 | D3 | Mixed Other 7.0 |
RCWest Lanc - Falk Middle States |
W | West Shore - Trapp Middle States |
William Beck | 6-3 7-6 |
George Trapp Janice Trapp |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
01/19/2014 | D3 | Mixed Other 7.0 |
RCWest Lanc - Falk Middle States |
L | Wisehaven - Jones Middle States |
William Beck | 6-3 5-7 1-0 |
John Monk Colleen Weaver |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
01/12/2014 | D3 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
RCWest Lanc - Falk Middle States |
L | Camp Hill - Matthews Middle States |
William Beck | 4-6 6-2 1-0 |
Patrick Smith Marianne Drummond |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
Glossary |
Match | Player rating for individual match. |
Rating | Dynamic rating after completed match. |
NC | Match not yet calculated into rating. |
S | Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player. |
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