Match History (2023) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Liane Hulka (Indianapolis, IN)
Female |
4.5 C 12/31/2024 |
Estimated Dynamic Rating |
4.0599 1/17/2025 |
Projected Year End Rating |
------ ---------- |
4.5 Rating Meter
4.0001 - 4.5000
4.0001 - 4.5000
2023 Overall Season |
League/Level | Total Matches |
Win | Loss | Tie | WPct | Total Sets |
Win | Loss | WPct | Total Games |
Win | Loss | WPct | Defaults |
Adult 18+ 4.5 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 80.0 | 12 | 8 | 4 | 66.7 | 98 | 52 | 46 | 53.1 | 0 |
Adult 40+ 4.5 | 8 | 5 | 3 | 0 | 62.5 | 17 | 11 | 6 | 64.7 | 156 | 86 | 70 | 55.1 | 0 |
Total | 13 | 9 | 4 | 0 | 69.2 | 29 | 19 | 10 | 65.5 | 254 | 138 | 116 | 54.3 | 0 |
11/05/2023 | D2 | Adult 40+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Fry (IRC-D) Midwest |
L | CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Squires (PATC) Midwest |
Katie Boroski (4.20) | 7-5 6-5 |
Katelyn Hale Riley (4.11) Tracy Cardillo (4.24) |
Match: 4.04 | Rating: 4.06 |
10/29/2023 | D1 | Adult 40+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Fry (IRC-D) Midwest |
W | CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Thompson (IRC-D) Midwest |
Jennifer Morris (3.93) | 7-6 4-0 |
Lisa Schneider (3.85) Julie Elliott (3.71) |
Match: 4.03 | Rating: 4.06 |
10/22/2023 | D1 | Adult 40+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Fry (IRC-D) Midwest |
W | CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Trott (CRC) Midwest |
Renee Noe (4.09) | 6-2 7-5 |
Amy Schmidt (4.12) Boogie Garvey (4.06) |
Match: 4.24 | Rating: 4.10 |
10/08/2023 | D1 | Adult 40+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Fry (IRC-D) Midwest |
L | CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Thompson (IRC-D) Midwest |
Lindsey Rabinowitch (4.12) | 6-2 6-3 |
Adina Handrau (4.10) Jennifer Kowalski (4.31) |
Match: 3.93 | Rating: 4.04 |
07/19/2023 | D1 | Adult 40+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Fry (IRC-E) Midwest |
W | CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Squires (PATC) Midwest |
Kathryn Hawkins (4.10) | 7-6 7-5 |
Deborah Kuller (4.00) marilyn felling (4.00) |
Match: 4.04 | Rating: 4.06 |
07/12/2023 | D1 | Adult 40+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Fry (IRC-E) Midwest |
W | CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Thompson (IRC-D) Midwest |
Kathryn Hawkins (4.05) | 7-5 6-3 |
Neddy Koech (3.92) Maria Thompson (3.81) |
Match: 4.00 | Rating: 4.05 |
07/03/2023 | D3 | Adult 18+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A18&O 4.5 W, Hawkins (TP) Midwest |
W | CIN Indianapolis, A18&O 4.5 W, Squires (PATC) Midwest |
Lindsey Rabinowitch (4.12) | 6-3 7-5 |
Tiffany Squires (3.96) Amy Schmidt (4.06) |
Match: 4.11 | Rating: 4.08 |
06/26/2023 | D1 | Adult 18+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A18&O 4.5 W, Hawkins (TP) Midwest |
W | CIN Indianapolis, A18&O 4.5 W, Bundy (CMS) Midwest |
Lindsey Rabinowitch (4.08) | 4-6 6-3 1-0 |
Stacia Gudgel (4.12) Renee Noe (4.02) |
Match: 4.10 | Rating: 4.07 |
06/19/2023 | D2 | Adult 18+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A18&O 4.5 W, Hawkins (TP) Midwest |
W | CIN Indianapolis, A18&O 4.5 W, Thompson (IRC-D) Midwest |
Suzette Solomon (4.32) | 7-5 1-6 1-0 |
Alyson Neidlinger (4.00) Michelle McFerran (4.07) |
Match: S | Rating: 4.05 |
06/14/2023 | D1 | Adult 40+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Fry (IRC-E) Midwest |
W | CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Gudgel (CRC) Midwest |
Elizabeth Reifeis (3.97) | 6-2 6-2 |
Stacey Harmon (-----) Stephanie Kirk (4.05) |
Match: S | Rating: 4.05 |
05/24/2023 | D1 | Adult 40+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Fry (IRC-E) Midwest |
L | CIN Indianapolis, A40&O 4.5 W, Gudgel (CRC) Midwest |
Kathryn Hawkins (4.08) | 2-6 6-2 1-0 |
Stacia Gudgel (3.98) Kristi Moschel (3.87) |
Match: 3.89 | Rating: 4.05 |
02/11/2023 | D2 | Adult 18+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A18&O 4.5 W, Hawkins (IHP) Midwest |
W | CIN Indianapolis, A18&O 4.5 W, Squires (PATC) Midwest |
Lindsey Rabinowitch (4.01) | 6-3 6-4 |
Breelyn Finegan (4.03) Emily Wandel (4.26) |
Match: 4.29 | Rating: 4.08 |
01/14/2023 | D2 | Adult 18+ 4.5 |
CIN Indianapolis, A18&O 4.5 W, Hawkins (IHP) Midwest |
L | CIN Indianapolis, A18&O 4.5 W, Gupta (IRC-D) Midwest |
Lindsey Rabinowitch (4.01) | 7-5 4-2 |
Jennifer Kowalski (4.29) Joline Schmitt (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: 4.01 |
Glossary |
Match | Player rating for individual match. |
Rating | Dynamic rating after completed match. |
NC | Match not yet calculated into rating. |
S | Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player. |
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