Match History (2021) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Loa Ann Coyle (Minneapolis, MN)
Female |
3.5 C 12/31/2023 |
Estimated Dynamic Rating |
3.0586 11/24/2024 |
Projected Year End Rating |
2.9033 11/30/2024 [3.0C Low] |
3.5 Rating Meter
3.0001 - 3.5000
3.0001 - 3.5000
2021 Overall Season |
League/Level | Total Matches |
Win | Loss | Tie | WPct | Total Sets |
Win | Loss | WPct | Total Games |
Win | Loss | WPct | Defaults |
Adult 55+ 7.0 | 6 | 2 | 4 | 0 | 33.3 | 13 | 4 | 9 | 30.8 | 110 | 49 | 61 | 44.5 | 0 |
Adult Other 0.0 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 40.0 | 12 | 5 | 7 | 41.7 | 90 | 39 | 51 | 43.3 | 0 |
Total | 11 | 4 | 7 | 0 | 36.4 | 25 | 9 | 16 | 36.0 | 200 | 88 | 112 | 44.0 | 0 |
12/09/2021 | D4 | Adult Other |
MTC Britzius 12:00 Northern |
L | Williston Mason 9:30 Northern |
Kelly Menth (2.80) | 6-2 3-6 1-0 |
Suzanne Vanacora (3.08) Nancy Mellin (2.74) |
Match: 2.96 | Rating: 3.00 |
11/11/2021 | D4 | Adult Other |
MTC Britzius 12:00 Northern |
W | Fred Wells Gordon 10:30 Northern |
Kelly Menth (-----) | 4-6 6-4 1-0 |
Kathleen Gesensway (-----) Betsy Braman (-----) |
Match: NC | Rating: NC |
10/14/2021 | D3 | Adult Other |
MTC Britzius 12:00 Northern |
L | Williston Wolden 9:30 Northern |
Kelly Menth (2.81) | 6-3 6-1 |
Deborah Zilverberg (3.11) Beth Nesheim (2.97) |
Match: 2.89 | Rating: 3.02 |
09/30/2021 | D4 | Adult Other |
MTC Britzius 12:00 Northern |
W | MTC Swanson 9:30 Northern |
Kelly Menth (2.78) | 6-3 6-4 |
Stacy Chillscyzn (2.84) Jennifer Harris (2.91) |
Match: 3.12 | Rating: 3.08 |
09/23/2021 | D3 | Adult Other |
MTC Britzius 12:00 Northern |
L | ICT Conda/Anderson 10:30 Northern |
Karla Greene (3.11) | 6-3 6-1 |
Bonnie Niles (2.89) Gay Russell-Dempsey (3.10) |
Match: 2.71 | Rating: 2.98 |
07/15/2021 | D2 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
Eliason-Net Setters Northern |
W | Brown/Yancey Northern |
Kelly Menth (2.73) | 4-6 6-2 1-0 |
Penelope Prescott (2.99) Suzanne Vanacora (3.20) |
Match: 3.35 | Rating: 3.13 |
07/08/2021 | D3 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
Eliason-Net Setters Northern |
W | Czech Northern |
Candace Jensen (3.10) | 6-2 6-2 |
Linn Ostberg (3.00) Lisa Steinmann (2.79) |
Match: 3.16 | Rating: 3.07 |
06/24/2021 | D2 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
Eliason-Net Setters Northern |
L | Knutson/Alschlager Northern |
Kelly Menth (2.74) | 6-4 6-1 |
Ann Hawkins (3.01) Hung Lam (3.13) |
Match: 2.99 | Rating: 3.03 |
06/03/2021 | D2 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
Eliason-Net Setters Northern |
L | Brown/Yancey Northern |
Kelly Menth (2.75) | 6-1 6-4 |
Nancy Koch (3.26) Susan Dando (3.02) |
Match: 3.05 | Rating: 3.05 |
05/27/2021 | D2 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
Eliason-Net Setters Northern |
L | Czech Northern |
Candace Jensen (3.10) | 7-6 6-4 |
Traci Sundstrom (3.10) Patty O'Connell (3.04) |
Match: 2.97 | Rating: 3.04 |
05/20/2021 | D3 | Adult 55+ 7.0 |
Eliason-Net Setters Northern |
L | Knutson/Alschlager Northern |
Christine Swanson (3.00) | 6-3 6-3 |
Kathy Sommers (3.13) Izabel Luger (3.06) |
Match: 2.94 | Rating: 3.04 |
Glossary |
Match | Player rating for individual match. |
Rating | Dynamic rating after completed match. |
NC | Match not yet calculated into rating. |
S | Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player. |
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