Match History (Recent) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Michele Muchmore (Glen Ellyn, IL)
Female |
4.0 C 12/31/2024 |
Estimated Dynamic Rating |
3.7468 1/30/2025 |
Projected Year End Rating |
------ ---------- |
4.0 Rating Meter
3.5001 - 4.0000
3.5001 - 4.0000
Recent History |
League/Level | Total Matches |
Win | Loss | Tie | WPct | Total Sets |
Win | Loss | WPct | Total Games |
Win | Loss | WPct | Defaults |
Adult 18+ 4.0 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 66.7 | 6 | 4 | 2 | 66.7 | 47 | 28 | 19 | 59.6 | 1 |
Combo 8.5 | 9 | 4 | 5 | 0 | 44.4 | 19 | 6 | 13 | 31.6 | 165 | 69 | 96 | 41.8 | 1 |
Tri-Level 18+ 4.5 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0.0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0.0 | 17 | 5 | 12 | 29.4 | 0 |
Total | 13 | 6 | 7 | 0 | 46.2 | 27 | 10 | 17 | 37.0 | 229 | 102 | 127 | 44.5 | 2 |
12/14/2024 | D3 | Combo 8.5 |
NITA F 85CWe Courts Plus-Cushing Midwest |
L | NITA F 85CWb MT Bannockburn-Witte/Waddle Midwest |
Nancy Smith (-----) | 6-2 7-6 |
Bela Starkman (4.02) Leah Starkman (3.71) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
11/10/2024 | D3 | Combo 8.5 |
NITA F 85CWe Courts Plus-Cushing Midwest |
W | NITA F 85CWa Rush Copley-Adams Midwest |
Shelley Reese (3.60) | 3-6 6-4 1-0 |
Lisa Waugh (-----) Carlene Motto (3.88) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
11/02/2024 | D3 | Combo 8.5 |
NITA F 85CWe Courts Plus-Cushing Midwest |
W | NITA F 85CWf Northbrook RC-Wright/Nakamura Midwest |
Julie Boruff (3.77) | 6-2 6-4 |
Jessica Wagner (3.99) Tracy Ries (3.63) |
Match: 4.00 | Rating: ----- |
10/20/2024 | D3 | Combo 8.5 |
NITA F 85CWe Courts Plus-Cushing Midwest |
W | NITA F 85CWb MT Bannockburn-Witte/Waddle Midwest |
Julie Boruff (3.77) | 6-7 3-4 |
Molly Shapiro (3.67) lisa potash (3.60) |
Match: 3.57 | Rating: ----- |
09/21/2024 | D3 | Combo 8.5 |
NITA F 85CWe Courts Plus-Cushing Midwest |
W | NITA F 85CWa Rush Copley-Adams Midwest |
Nancy Cushing (3.99) | 6-0 6-0 |
Default |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
09/14/2024 | D3 | Combo 8.5 |
NITA F 85CWe Courts Plus-Cushing Midwest |
L | NITA F 85CWf Northbrook RC-Wright/Nakamura Midwest |
Julie Boruff (3.77) | 6-4 6-1 |
Huan Chang (3.89) Sophia Chang Stauffer (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
07/16/2024 | D1 | Adult 18+ 4.0 |
NITA/A18&O 4.0W/Lukas Midwest |
L | NITA S 40W18a Tam-Wright/Jurczyk Midwest |
Jen Frenzel (3.70) | 6-2 6-2 |
Kristine Jurczyk (3.89) Soraya McTeague (4.02) |
Match: 3.72 | Rating: 3.75 |
07/09/2024 | D2 | Combo 8.5 |
NITA S 85CWf Oak Brook-Lukas Midwest |
L | NITA S 85CWb Tam-Wright/Nakamura Midwest |
Colleen Stover (4.17) | 6-0 6-0 |
Kristine Jurczyk (4.01) Ayano Nakamura (4.33) |
Match: 3.48 | Rating: ----- |
06/26/2024 | D2 | Combo 8.5 |
NITA S 85CWf Oak Brook-Lukas Midwest |
W | NITA S 85CWe South Barrington-Martinez Midwest |
Carole Wittemann (4.44) | 6-3 6-4 |
Anitra Willis (3.94) Yuko Suzuki (-----) |
Match: S | Rating: ----- |
06/22/2024 | D3 | Adult 18+ 4.0 |
NITA/A18&O 4.0W/Lukas Midwest |
W | NITA S 40W18f Rush Copley-Stine Midwest |
Shelley Reese (3.47) | 6-1 6-2 |
Helen Yang (3.48) Sandy Peters (3.42) |
Match: 3.93 | Rating: 3.80 |
04/21/2024 | D3 | Adult 18+ 4.0 |
NITA W 40W18e Oak Brook-Lukas Midwest |
W | NITA W 40W18d Naperville-Madura Midwest |
Shelley Reese (3.48) | 6-3 6-1 |
Sue Keough (3.48) Helen Yang (3.47) |
Match: 3.88 | Rating: 3.76 |
04/14/2024 | D3 | Adult 18+ 4.0 |
NITA W 40W18e Oak Brook-Lukas Midwest |
W | NITA W 40W18f Rush Copley-Stine Midwest |
Sally Washlow (-----) | 6-0 6-0 |
Default |
Match: ----- | Rating: ----- |
03/16/2024 | D3 | Combo 8.5 |
NITA W 85CWe Courts Plus-Cushing/Lukas Midwest |
L | NITA W 85CWc MT Bannockburn-Witte Midwest |
Molly McGinnis (3.67) | 7-6 6-1 |
Heather Vishnubhakat (3.70) Molly Shapiro (3.67) |
Match: 3.55 | Rating: ----- |
03/03/2024 | D240 | Tri-Level 18+ 4.5 |
NITA W 45TLWd Oak Brook-Lukas Midwest |
L | NITA W 45TLWa Score-Knutte Midwest |
Molly McGinnis (3.69) | 6-3 6-2 |
Lisa Rowen (3.99) Ngozi Ezike (4.02) |
Match: 3.76 | Rating: 3.71 |
03/02/2024 | D3 | Combo 8.5 |
NITA W 85CWe Courts Plus-Cushing/Lukas Midwest |
L | NITA W 85CWd Tam-Wright/Nakamura Midwest |
Cathy Packer (4.32) | 6-3 6-3 |
Sophia Koliatsis (3.81) Jessica Wagner (3.99) |
Match: 3.42 | Rating: ----- |
Glossary |
Match | Player rating for individual match. |
Rating | Dynamic rating after completed match. |
NC | Match not yet calculated into rating. |
S | Self rated or unrated player involved in match so no match rating calculated for current player. |
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