Name Location NTRP Gender 2025
Andrew McWilliams Charlotte, NC 3.5 M 0-0 3.23
Brian Batas Charlotte, NC 4.0 M 0-0 -----
Name Location NTRP Gender 2025
Andrew McWilliams Charlotte, NC 3.5 M 0-0 3.23
Brian Batas Charlotte, NC 4.0 M 0-0 -----
Local Schedule Time Opponent Match Site Result
11/10/2024 5:00 PM RShell (Foxcroft Hills); The Rad Dads Olde Providence Racquet Club 0-0
11/17/2024 5:00 PM KFranks (PPRSC) Providence Plantation Racquet/Swim Club 0-0
11/24/2024 5:00 PM GCarney/RPoage (Queens) Olde Providence Racquet Club 0-0
12/08/2024 5:00 PM MBoyce (Queens); Backhands Queens Sports Complex at Marion Diehl Park 0-0
12/15/2024 5:00 PM MJarzynski (Queens) Queens Sports Complex at Marion Diehl Park 0-0
12/22/2024 5:00 PM EO'Bryan (Weddington) Olde Providence Racquet Club 0-0
01/05/2025 5:00 PM PKartes (Moutainbrook); Da Brook’rs Mountainbrook Swim and Racquet Club 0-0
01/12/2025 5:00 PM RShell (Foxcroft Hills); The Rad Dads Foxcroft Hills Swim & Tennis Club 0-0
01/19/2025 5:00 PM KFranks (PPRSC) Olde Providence Racquet Club 0-0
Local Schedule Opponent
11/10/2024 5:00 PM
Olde Providence Racquet Club
RShell (Foxcroft Hills); The Rad Dads
11/17/2024 5:00 PM
Providence Plantation Racquet/Swim Club
KFranks (PPRSC)
11/24/2024 5:00 PM
Olde Providence Racquet Club
GCarney/RPoage (Queens)
12/08/2024 5:00 PM
Queens Sports Complex at Marion Diehl Park
MBoyce (Queens); Backhands
12/15/2024 5:00 PM
Queens Sports Complex at Marion Diehl Park
MJarzynski (Queens)
12/22/2024 5:00 PM
Olde Providence Racquet Club
EO'Bryan (Weddington)
01/05/2025 5:00 PM
Mountainbrook Swim and Racquet Club
PKartes (Moutainbrook); Da Brook’rs
01/12/2025 5:00 PM
Foxcroft Hills Swim & Tennis Club
RShell (Foxcroft Hills); The Rad Dads
01/19/2025 5:00 PM
Olde Providence Racquet Club
KFranks (PPRSC)
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