Match History (2014) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Apor Markos (Wilmington, DE)
Male |
2014 Overall Season [Doubles] |
League/Level | Total Matches |
Win | Loss | Tie | WPct | Total Sets |
Win | Loss | WPct | Total Games |
Win | Loss | WPct | Defaults |
Mixed 18+ 7.0 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 50.0 | 9 | 4 | 5 | 44.4 | 66 | 31 | 35 | 47.0 | 0 |
Mixed 40+ 7.0 | 7 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 57.1 | 16 | 8 | 8 | 50.0 | 128 | 64 | 64 | 50.0 | 0 |
Total | 11 | 6 | 5 | 0 | 54.5 | 25 | 12 | 13 | 48.0 | 194 | 95 | 99 | 49.0 | 0 |
04/27/2014 | D1 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 Districts |
Donato Middle States |
L | Dianna Middle States |
Sarah Chang | 6-2 6-2 |
Marjorie Chen Dave Krishna |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
04/04/2014 | D1 | Mixed 40+ 7.0 |
Donato Middle States |
W | Gaughan Middle States |
Julia Schiela | 6-3 6-4 |
David Himsworth Melanie Himsworth |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
03/30/2014 | D2 | Mixed 40+ 7.0 |
Donato Middle States |
W | Hyland Middle States |
Mary Dozier | 6-1 6-1 |
Greg Volz Perri Volz |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
03/21/2014 | D3 | Mixed 40+ 7.0 |
Donato Middle States |
L | Hamilton Middle States |
Julia Schiela | 3-6 7-6 1-0 |
Bill Sullivan Stacey Sullivan |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
03/09/2014 | D1 | Mixed 40+ 7.0 |
Donato Middle States |
L | Gaughan Middle States |
Stacy Horowitz | 6-2 7-5 |
Jason Gaughan Jodi Knapp |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
02/28/2014 | D3 | Mixed 40+ 7.0 |
Donato Middle States |
W | Hamilton Middle States |
Julia Schiela | 6-4 5-5 |
S Anthony Boova Elizabeth Singewald |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
02/23/2014 | D3 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
Donato Middle States |
W | Hall Middle States |
Mary Dozier | 3-6 6-2 1-0 |
Steve Hu Kimberly Shrader |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
02/09/2014 | D1 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
Donato Middle States |
L | Dianna Middle States |
Sarah Chang | 6-3 6-2 |
Amit Kumar Leslie Hubbard |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
02/02/2014 | D2 | Mixed 40+ 7.0 |
Donato Middle States |
W | Gaughan Middle States |
Mary Dozier | 6-4 2-6 1-0 |
Douglas Raihall Jodi Knapp |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
01/26/2014 | D1 | Mixed 40+ 7.0 |
Donato Middle States |
L | Shelly Middle States |
Julia Schiela | 6-1 6-0 |
Karen Calastri James Hinkle |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
01/19/2014 | D1 | Mixed 18+ 7.0 |
Donato Middle States |
W | McFadden Middle States |
Sarah Chang | 6-0 6-3 |
Gregg Bacchieri Stacey Bacchieri |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
Glossary |
Match | Player TTR for individual match. |
TTR | TTR after completed match. |
NC | Match not calculated into TTR yet. |
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