Match History (2020) View Advanced Player Stats
Luke Saylor (Vienna, VA)
TTR Singles Rating
Last Match Calculated
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TTR Doubles Rating
Last Match Calculated
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Match Date Match Team Court Partner Opponent(s) W/L Result Match TTR
08/23/2020 Tournament
USTA/MAS BG 12-18 NL0 660 DOUBLES ONLY at MTC - *Aug 15 B/G 12 and 16 *Aug 16 B/G 14 and18 Q Venki Srinivasan Ritwik Hota

Raunak Hota
L 8-4 NC NC
08/23/2020 Tournament
USTA/MAS BG 12-18 NL0 660 DOUBLES ONLY at MTC - *Aug 15 B/G 12 and 16 *Aug 16 B/G 14 and18 16 Venki Srinivasan Cade Collingwood

Viktor Vaniakin
W 8-4 NC NC
08/23/2020 Tournament
USTA/MAS BG 12-18 NL0 660 DOUBLES ONLY at MTC - *Aug 15 B/G 12 and 16 *Aug 16 B/G 14 and18 C-S Venki Srinivasan Joseph Hobbs

Roman Sancilio
L 8-3 NC NC
08/23/2020 Tournament
USTA/MAS BG 12-18 NL0 660 DOUBLES ONLY at MTC - *Aug 15 B/G 12 and 16 *Aug 16 B/G 14 and18 C-Q Venki Srinivasan Griffin Bennett-Nguyen

Izaak Brown
W 8-4 NC NC
01/12/2020 Tournament
USTA/MAS B14 L3 700 DOUBLES ONLY a Super Six Event 16 Joshua Bright Shaharyar Saeed

Benjamin Wang
L 8-0 NC NC
01/12/2020 Tournament
USTA/MAS B14 L3 700 DOUBLES ONLY a Super Six Event C-QQ Joshua Bright Zachary Fleishman

Ryan Good
L 8-1 NC NC
USTA/MAS BG 12-18 NL0 660 DOUBLES ONLY at MTC - *Aug 15 B/G 12 and 16 *Aug 16 B/G 14 and18
08/23/2020 Q Tournament
Venki Srinivasan 8-4 Ritwik Hota
Raunak Hota
Match: NC TTR: NC
USTA/MAS BG 12-18 NL0 660 DOUBLES ONLY at MTC - *Aug 15 B/G 12 and 16 *Aug 16 B/G 14 and18
08/23/2020 16 Tournament
Venki Srinivasan 8-4 Cade Collingwood
Viktor Vaniakin
Match: NC TTR: NC
USTA/MAS BG 12-18 NL0 660 DOUBLES ONLY at MTC - *Aug 15 B/G 12 and 16 *Aug 16 B/G 14 and18
08/23/2020 C-S Tournament
Venki Srinivasan 8-3 Joseph Hobbs
Roman Sancilio
Match: NC TTR: NC
USTA/MAS BG 12-18 NL0 660 DOUBLES ONLY at MTC - *Aug 15 B/G 12 and 16 *Aug 16 B/G 14 and18
08/23/2020 C-Q Tournament
Venki Srinivasan 8-4 Griffin Bennett-Nguyen
Izaak Brown
Match: NC TTR: NC
USTA/MAS B14 L3 700 DOUBLES ONLY a Super Six Event
01/12/2020 16 Tournament
Joshua Bright 8-0 Shaharyar Saeed
Benjamin Wang
Match: NC TTR: NC
USTA/MAS B14 L3 700 DOUBLES ONLY a Super Six Event
01/12/2020 C-QQ Tournament
Joshua Bright 8-1 Zachary Fleishman
Ryan Good
Match: NC TTR: NC
Match Player TTR for individual match.
TTR TTR after completed match.
NC Match not calculated into TTR yet.
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