Match History (2014) View Advanced Player Stats
Quinn Gardner (Tucson, AZ)
TTR Singles Rating
Last Match Calculated
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TTR Doubles Rating
Last Match Calculated
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Match Date Match Team Court Partner Opponent(s) W/L Result Match TTR
05/25/2014 Tournament
Cowboy Classic BG 8's, 10s, 12s, 14s, 16s and 18s L6 RR Bogdan Racolta Cyrus Madrid

kyle lane
W 8-1 NC NC
05/24/2014 Tournament
Cowboy Classic BG 8's, 10s, 12s, 14s, 16s and 18s L6 RR Bogdan Racolta Jack Amos

Johnathan Miller
W 8-1 NC NC
05/24/2014 Tournament
Cowboy Classic BG 8's, 10s, 12s, 14s, 16s and 18s L6 RR Bogdan Racolta Harrison Reid

Andy Sun
W Def ----- -----
Cowboy Classic BG 8's, 10s, 12s, 14s, 16s and 18s L6
05/25/2014 RR Tournament
Bogdan Racolta 8-1 Cyrus Madrid
kyle lane
Match: NC TTR: NC
Cowboy Classic BG 8's, 10s, 12s, 14s, 16s and 18s L6
05/24/2014 RR Tournament
Bogdan Racolta 8-1 Jack Amos
Johnathan Miller
Match: NC TTR: NC
Cowboy Classic BG 8's, 10s, 12s, 14s, 16s and 18s L6
05/24/2014 RR Tournament
Bogdan Racolta Def Harrison Reid
Andy Sun
Match: ----- TTR: -----
Match Player TTR for individual match.
TTR TTR after completed match.
NC Match not calculated into TTR yet.
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