Match History (Recent) | View Advanced Player Stats |
Lisa Oommen (East Berlin, PA)
Female |
Recent History |
League/Level | Total Matches |
Win | Loss | Tie | WPct | Total Sets |
Win | Loss | WPct | Total Games |
Win | Loss | WPct | Defaults |
Adult 40+ 4.0 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0.0 | 6 | 0 | 6 | 0.0 | 60 | 21 | 39 | 35.0 | 0 |
Adult 55+ 8.0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0.0 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 0.0 | 32 | 8 | 24 | 25.0 | 0 |
Combo 8.0 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 50.0 | 9 | 4 | 5 | 44.4 | 75 | 35 | 40 | 46.7 | 1 |
Total | 9 | 2 | 7 | 0 | 22.2 | 19 | 4 | 15 | 21.1 | 167 | 64 | 103 | 38.3 | 1 |
12/06/2024 | D3 | Combo 8.0 |
West Shore - Hopwood Middle States |
W | Lanc CC - Spire Middle States |
Dawn Toutkaldjian | 6-0 6-0 |
Default |
Match: ----- | TTR: ----- |
11/08/2024 | D3 | Combo 8.0 |
West Shore - Hopwood Middle States |
W | Hempfield Swingers (Schlager) Middle States |
janet krusen | 6-3 6-3 |
Andrea Holder JoAnne Hangen |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
10/18/2024 | D2 | Combo 8.0 |
West Shore - Hopwood Middle States |
L | Hempfield - Covell Middle States |
Jane Acquilano | 7-5 6-1 |
Debora Covell Lori Tully |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
08/19/2024 | D1 | Adult 55+ 8.0 |
Hbg Academy - Hopwood Middle States |
L | ODCC - Beck Middle States |
Jennifer Ball | 6-0 6-1 |
Bonnie Keating Cindy Friedrich |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
07/29/2024 | D2 | Adult 40+ 4.0 |
Messiah University - Trapp Middle States |
L | Hempfield - Schlageter Middle States |
Laura Malinoski | 7-5 6-2 |
Audrey Lubas Louise Manzella |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
07/22/2024 | D3 | Adult 40+ 4.0 |
Messiah University - Trapp Middle States |
L | Hempfield - Forrey Middle States |
Deborah Klenotic | 7-6 6-2 |
Anne Garber Heather Arters |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
07/09/2024 | D1 | Adult 55+ 8.0 |
Hbg Academy - Hopwood Middle States |
L | RCW - Scott Middle States |
Dawn Toutkaldjian | 6-4 6-3 |
Madonna Hufnagel Tammy Miller |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
07/08/2024 | D3 | Adult 40+ 4.0 |
Messiah University - Trapp Middle States |
L | Hershey Racquet Club-Corcoran Middle States |
Carolyn Hopwood | 7-6 6-0 |
Elizabeth O'Donnell Jennifer Craven |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
03/15/2024 | D3 | Combo 8.0 Flight |
West Shore - Hopwood Middle States |
L | Hempfield - Forrey Middle States |
Alyssa DeBlasio | 6-3 7-6 |
Heather Hershey Becky Katz |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
02/09/2024 | D3 | Combo 8.0 |
West Shore - Hopwood Middle States |
W | Hempfield - Scott Middle States |
Karis Hazam | 1-6 6-2 1-0 |
Brenda Horst Margaret Cruise |
Match: NC | TTR: NC |
Glossary |
Match | Player TTR for individual match. |
TTR | TTR after completed match. |
NC | Match not calculated into TTR yet. |
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